Thursday, October 28, 2004

Lions Led By Jobsworths

Remembrance Day PoppyNanny and her jobsworth friends, in Health and Safety, have succeeded in destroying yet another part of the British way of life.

This time Nanny has turned her attention to the Remembrance Day shower of poppies, planned for Sandwell; in Nanny’s view, it is just too dangerous.

Nanny has therefore decided to ban it.

Precisely what form of danger does a shower of poppies present to veterans of conflicts around the globe?

Simple, the poppies might catch fire.

Can anyone tell me how many incidents of burning poppies have occurred in the UK, since the Remembrance Day ceremony first started?

I will go out on a limb here, and say none!

That does not matter; facts do not interest Nanny, nor do peoples’ feelings.

However, she has, in an acknowledgement towards public feelings, graciously allowed the poppies to be dropped if they can be fireproofed; this of course, as she well knows, is prohibitively expensive.

Oddly enough, Nanny has not seen fit to interfere with the Remembrance Day service in the Royal Albert Hall; could it be that she is afraid that the Royal Family might just tell her to take a running jump?

I am drawn to ask how, precisely, would Nanny have coped fighting the last war? I suspect that she would have surrendered before even starting, on health and safety grounds, and we would have all ended up in concentration camps.


  1. Anonymous3:30 PM

    ''Nanny has not seen fit to interfere with the Remembrance Day service in the Royal Albert Hall; could it be that she is afraid that the Royal Family might just tell her to take a running jump?''

    Like yourself I will go out on a limb here and state that St.Anthony Bliar hasn't interefered with the Festival of Remembrance in the folorn hope that the whole of our wonderful Royal family might spontaneously combust at this event. I'd get the janitor to check if MI5 has ordered the heating turned up. ;o)

  2. Lord of Atlantis11:38 AM

    What a disgusting way to treat our heroes! If they hadn't made such a terrible sacrifice, this country would have become part of the Third Reich, with all the
    'privileges' that entailed.

    "I am drawn to ask how, precisely, would Nanny have coped fighting the last war? I suspect that she would have surrendered before even starting, on health and safety grounds, and we would have all ended up in concentration camps."

    Except for Nanny and her minions, who would probably have been invited to join the S.S and run said concentration camps! From what I've seen of the jobsworths in the elf'n'safety industry, they would not have needed any training!
