Friday, October 08, 2004


Nuts!As predicted on this site, the conker season this year has proven to be a fertile ground for Nanny and her acolytes to impose their perverted views on the British public.

It seems that, following on from the Black death in the Middle Ages, the latest life threatening plague to hit the UK is nuts.

Nanny and her acolytes have worked themselves up in to such a frenzy over nuts, that even the humble conker (which Nanny hates anyway) has been classified as a nut.

It is reported that Veronica O’Grady, Head teacher of Menstrie Primary Clackmannanshire, has banned conkers from her school.

The reason being that “health experts”, so she claims, have advised her that conkers may be a risk to children with nut allergies.

The ban was announced in the school newsletter, which said that pupils should not bring nuts (including horse chestnuts) to school.


"We have several pupils in the school who have allergies or conditions that affect what they can eat and be exposed to..To help keep all of our pupils safe, please ensure your child doesn’t bring nuts or nut products to school. This includes tree nuts such as chestnuts."

However, it seems Nanny has over reached herself yet again. The National Anaphylaxis Campaign, a charity for people with life threatening allergies, has called the ban an “over reaction”.

At worst children with nut allergies, who handle horse chestnuts, may develop a slight rash.

I would ask this question, why are people allowing their lives to be blighted by Nanny and her sycophants in this way?

Come on people, act up and fight back!

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