Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The Climate of Fear Pervading The NHS

Nanny's chartsNanny has an obsession with meeting the arbitrary targets that she has set for health care.

Heaven help those hospitals, and treatment centres, that don’t meet her targets.

Such is the climate of fear that now pervades the health service that, instead of attending to the needs of patients, some health providers are diverting scarce resources to tend to the needs of Nanny’s bureaucrats.

A doctor's paperworkA doctor’s workload now consists of piles of paperwork, rather than a queue of patients.

I understand that Radcliffe Infirmary is so terrified of incurring the wrath of Nanny and her sycophants, by not meeting her targets for patient treatment times; that they deliberately make patients wait in ambulances, outside of the hospital, until such time that they can be seen.

Why is this?

Simple, until the hapless patient passes through the doors of the hospital the clock for Nanny’s statistical analysis of patients’ treatment time does not start ticking.

Needless to say the patient may feel somewhat aggrieved by this treatment. However, in Nanny’s Britain, people come second; statistics and targets come first!

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