Monday, November 01, 2004

The First Steps on The Road To Belsen

The first step on the road to BelsenNanny has decided that enough is enough; with regard to the “unwholesome sight” of doctors, nurses and patients smoking in and around hospitals.

It seems that the sight of health professionals smoking simply does not set the “right” example to Nanny’s charges, that’s you and me folks.

In addition to banning smoking in hospitals and NHS premises; Nanny will be banning doctors, nurses and patients from smoking outside as well.

This plan will be put forward in the forthcoming White Paper on public health.

Precisely how does she intend to stop them smoking?
  • Given the parlous state of our understaffed hospitals, does Nanny intend to fire doctors and nurses who smoke outside?

  • With regard to patients, does she intend to deny them treatment; and send them home from the hospital, if they break the rules and smoke outside?
In fact the latter is part of Nanny’s plan to ensure that her NHS treatment targets are met; by excluding large sections of the population from being able to seek treatment, demand will fall, and she will be able to meet her targets.

In fact, if she can exclude enough people from being treated; she will be able to cut down the staffing requirements of the NHS, and sack all those doctors and nurses who indulge in the “evil weed”.

Those doctors who have their own premises may be thinking that they will be let off the hook. Unfortunately ladies and gentlemen this will not be the case, you will be “invited” to follow suit.

When Nanny “invites you” to do something that means “DO IT”, or suffer the consequences.

In a very sinister clause within the White Paper, apparently only the mentally ill are now to be allowed to smoke.

This is rather a perverse judgment in my view, after all mature rational adults should be allowed the freedom of choice as to how to manage their own lives; yet Nanny takes the opposite view.

The rational and most able members of society, who are able to look after themselves, will be told what to do. However, the mentally ill will be allowed to damage their physical health as it will be “good for their mental well-being”; even though they may not understand the consequences.

I seem to recall a certain Austrian corporal, of some years ago, instituting a step by step eugenics programme; by allowing the those less able to take care of themselves to die. The story “peddled to media” was that it was an act of kindness.

This was of course the first step on the road to Belsen.

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