Sunday, November 21, 2004

Give a Dog a Bad Name

Give a dog a bad nameI am more than a little touched to discover today, that one of Nanny’s ministers has been reading this site; and taking lessons from it.

It seems that our beloved Home Secretary David “trial without jury” Blunkett has caught sight of his nickname here, as per previous posts, and decided to live up to it.

Today at 1:00PM on the Dimbleby show on ITV, Blunkett will announce that he is increasing Nanny’s powers; and that those suspected of terrorist offences will be tried in closed courts, without juries.

Blunkett also wants to introduce new civil orders, against people suspected of planning terrorism.

Those breaching such orders could face imprisonment, even if they have not committed a crime. Nice touch that, arresting someone even when they have not broken the law.

I understand that he is dreaming of the day when he can apply this ruling to every criminal case. However, softly softly, one step at a time.

Don’t worry David; it will not be long before you have totally abolished the checks and balances that took the British legal system centuries to develop!

Thumbs Up!Another particularly nice touch to this issue, is that Blunkett is choosing to tell the British people about Nanny’s plans on TV; before telling the House of Commons, which would be the normal method.

Eliminating the authority of parliament is Nanny’s other goal, David has given his mistress double the pleasure today. By the way, by mistress I mean Nanny (not the other one!).

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