Sunday, November 07, 2004

Nanny's Smooth Talking Bar Steward

Mr Despot, Nanny's smooth talking bar stewardMy compliments to the people of the North East of England; who gave Nanny and her smooth talking bar steward, John Despot, a resounding two fingered salute on Thursday.

Nanny had put forward the incredibly daft proposal for a Northern regional assembly. This potty scheme was the pet project of Mr Despot, who harboured dreams of emulating Scottish devolution by creating devolved English regions.

Mr Despot connecting with the voters of the North EastDespot campaigned hard in the North East, pulling no punches when it came to spreading his case for devolution.

However, the plan as brilliant as Mr Despot thought it was, had one fatal flaw; it was bollocks!

The voters easily saw through Despot’s lies, and identified the main stumbling blocks to North East devolution:
  • It would cost £25M per annum to run

  • It would increase Nanny’s bureaucratic empire

  • It would add no value to the voters’ daily lives

  • It would add another layer of politicians

  • It would have no powers
Taking the above into account; they resoundingly rejected the plan, and more importantly the extra layer of politicians, by 696K votes to 197K votes.

One very important outcome of this referendum, that Nanny and her chums should be well advised to take on board, is this; people are fed up with politicians, they do not want any more to be added to the public wage bill.

By the way, the cost to the tax payers of Nanny’s little referendum was £11M. Do you think she will apologise to us for wasting our money?

Will she hell!

Meanwhile, Mr Despot is rumoured to be so devastated at being given the two fingered salute; that he is considering rejoining his ship and going back to his old job.

Mr Despot's old ship

We all hope that he does this as quickly as possible, and I would like to take this opportunity to wish him a bon voyage!

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