Thursday, November 11, 2004

Nanny's Wee Scotty Dogs

Nanny's wee Scotty dog having a crafty dragNanny’s wee Scotties, in her Scottish parliament, have decided to ban smoking in public places in Scotland as from 2006.

These wee Scotties have of course never smoked themselves, paah! However, they have decided that, as far as their fellow citizens’ lifestyles and habits go, they know best.

Therefore, as from 2006, anyone found to be in breach of this no smoking dictat will be fined up to £3500; a nice little earner, by anybody’s standards!

However, there may be a few problems with banning smoking in Scotland:
  • The police have told the Scotties that they will not enforce the ban. Not unreasonably, they feel that their prime duty is to protect the public from criminal activities such as; theft, violence and drugs.

  • The Scottish public are not in favour of the ban; a recent poll found that well over 50% of those polled felt that they should be allowed to smoke in public.
In a normal democracy, the above points would make the politicians think again about the wisdom of their proposal. After all if the people that you are elected to serve do not wish for the law to be enacted, and those that would enforce the law say that they will not enforce it; then that makes the law unworkable, surely?

Unfortunately in Nanny’s Britain things do not work like that.

Nanny’s Scotties have come up with a solution to the above problems:
  • They will instruct local councils to appoint yet another group of interfering busybodies to enforce the law; thus neatly sidestepping the need for the police. In other words, they will appoint their own private police force.

  • The fact that the good people of Scotland do not want the ban is irrelevant, Nanny’s Scotties know best; the peoples’ opinion will be ignored.
There you have it ladies and gentlemen; the birth of a dictatorship!

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