Monday, December 20, 2004

Request To Nanny

Warning SignDear Nanny,

I would like you to address the following issue, relating to those warning cones and signs that are liberally erected whenever some water is spilt onto a floor.

They are bloody dangerous!

I almost tripped over one in Sainsbury's on Saturday, whilst buying my Christmas pudding.

Please can you ensure that, in future, there are warning signs erected; warning us about the slippery floor warning signs.

Thank you.



  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Sorry, i just found that hilarious.

    Irony at it's best.

    Hope you didn't hurt yourself too badly.

    p.s. Great site - keep up the good work.

    -General Von Klinkerhoffen

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Perhaps the Christmas Pud should also have a govt. health warning on it !

  3. Thanks General.

    wrt the Christmas pud, they do warn about nut content; but not about the inclusion of a sixpence, Nanny has failed!
