Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Nanny Resorts To Grave Robbing

Nanny Resorts to Grave RobbingNanny gets some really strange ideas into her head at times. One of her latest obsessions is graveyards.

It seems, and this I must admit is a tad far fetched even by Nanny's standards, that gravestones present a health and safety hazard.

Nanny has got it into her head that certain types of gravestones may fall over, and injure someone. Now as far as I am aware, in the many centuries of burial with gravestones, this has only ever happened once; when a small child was playing around, and managed to knock one over.

Needless to say Nanny doesn't worry about statistics, she has happily instructed her minions in local councils around the country to take action.

Take action they have, and are busily ripping up hundreds of gravestones around the country. Needless to say, this is causing a good deal of distress to the relatives of the deceased.

Nanny's original solution, was to lay the ripped up gravestones flat on the ground. However, Nanny's health and safety team pointed out that this caused a "trip hazard"!

The councils, ever anxious to do Nanny's bidding, are now relaying the flat gravestones so that they can't trip you up.

In Nanny's Britain, even the dead cannot escape her hectoring and rest in peace!

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