Sunday, February 13, 2005

An Enemy of The People

An Enemy of The PeopleFurther to my post the other day, about Nanny's National Lottery not awarding money to the Samaritans, it seems that the good old Lottery has a few other prejudices.

One of these is a prejudice against the Scout and Guide movement.

In Nanny's view scouts and guides are just too white, able bodied and middle class; and as such do not deserve to be awarded a lottery grant.

Call me stupid; but don't white, able bodied and middle class people also live in Britain?

Isn't Nanny meant to treat all of her "charges" equally, without fear or favour?

Does not the scout and guide movement allow all people, whatever their colour creed or socio economic group, to join?

Evidently not!

As a result of Nanny's perverted views of the world; several hundred children in Alconbury have been deemed too white, too able bodied and too middle class for a grant for a new Scout and Guide headquarters by Nanny's friends in the National Lottery's Community Fund.

The £190K grant was meant to help the scouts and guides build a new premises, after their last one was destroyed by an arson attack.

Doubtless the arsonist will receive the money instead!

The "rationale" of Nanny's chums, for rejecting the application for a grant, was that the scouts and guides do not "address any specific disadvantage".

Seemingly the Lottery has a core focus of "priority" groups which include; refugees/asylum-seekers and ethnic minority communities.

Now, unless I am missing something here, the scout and guide movement was specifically set up to help young people from all backgrounds learn to live and work together.

Its primary aim was to prevent society polarising.

Society has moved on from Baden Powell's day, but the principle remains valid.

By refusing to help out the scouts and guides, Nanny sends a very powerful message that she does not want people from different backgrounds to integrate and learn to live and work together.

She is the enemy of integration and social cohesion.

A divided society suits Nanny very well; as long as people feel isolated and alone, unable/unwilling to mix with others and work with others for the greater good, Nanny will always be needed to fill that gap in their lives.

Her actions prove that she is the enemy of the people.

1 comment:

  1. "Seemingly the Lottery has a core focus of "priority" groups which include; refugees/asylum-seekers and ethnic minority communities."

    You're right. The Big Lottery Fund uses priority groups along the following lines:

    The elderly
    Mentally disabled people
    Physically disabled people
    Ethnic Minorities
    Economically deprived people.

    For funding bids to be successful the applicants must prove that their project will help/be available to people in these groups.
