Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Nanny Bans Obesity

Nanny Bans ObesityI suppose that it was only a matter of time before Nanny overstepped the mark, in respect of regulating people's eating habits, yet I am still shocked that Nanny has done this.

Having lectured us for years now about our lifestyles, and what we eat, Nanny has become exasperated about the fact that we don't listed to her.

She has decided that firm action must be taken, in order to instill some "discipline" into the nursery (that phrase will generate me some interesting search engine hits!).

To this end she has decreed that it is now illegal to be obese; and that those people who she deems to be obese will be arrested, for there own "wellbeing".

Nanny's chums in East Sussex Council needed no further bidding, they rushed off into the street and arrested the first obese person they could find.

They found their victim, Chris Leppard, by watching a documentary on TV; in it Mr Leppard, who weighs 31 stone, discussed his condition.

Now Nanny's lackeys in the council thought that they could get away with this, by "sectioning" Mr Leppard for "his own good".

However, Mr Leppard is not mentally ill; he suffers from suffers from Prader-Willi Syndrome, which means that he cannot tell when he is full.

Having spent 7 days in an eating disorder unit, "for his own good", he was discharged.

Mr Leppard is, quite rightly, well "pissed off" with this treatment and is reportedly going to sue the council.

I seem to recall similar "treatments" being "offered" to people in Soviet Russia who did not follow the "party line".

I wonder how long it will take Nanny to start that little game here?

This story neatly illustrates how intolerant, and narrow minded, Nanny and her lackeys are; they cannot accept, or tolerate, people acting or thinking independently.

This site offers Mr Leppard every success with his case, we hope that he sues the council into bankruptcy.


  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I can't understand your attitude, here the Dear Leader has decided (quite rightly) that something is bad for people. It logically follows that no sane person would do something that is bad for themselves so sectioning under the Mental Health Act both justifiable (insane) and necessary (they will not alter their behaviour on their own).

    Chris should be thanking the Dear Leader for the concern showned to his health. Instead he is looking to make a fast buck from the Dear Leaders acolytes who clearly care more for his health than he does.

  2. Anonymous7:26 PM

    The previous comment is obviously from one of these leftie loons, who does not believe in freedom of choice!

    This is quite clearly a case of wrongful imprisonment, and Leppard is fully entitled to sue the local authority for damages - Good luck Chris!

    Nanny state dishes up porridge to 31 stone man

  3. Captain, I think the previous comment was written "tongue in cheek".
