Saturday, February 26, 2005

Nanny Bans Snowballs

Nanny Bans SnowballsI am hardly surprised to hear the latest story about Nanny's interference in a centuries old custom.

This time she has stuck her unwelcome nose into the simple pastime of snowball fights. Seemingly, she believes that they pose a "clear and present danger" (just like the threat from terrorism) to our society.

Nanny's acolytes in County Durham have placed a "snowball exclusion order" over the entire area, banning school children from snowball fights whilst on school premises.

Needless to say some children disobeyed Nanny's rules, good for them, and were promptly banned from school!

I really wonder how it is that Nanny finds time to think about, and legislate on, such trivia.

Common sense dictates that snowball fighting is a far maore healthy activity for children, than sitting inside watching the TV or playing PC games.

What a sorry state we have come to!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    This is because 80% or so of what nanny used to do is now just rubber stamping euro diktats and has too much time, used to insert nose in our lives!
