Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Nanny's Fat Porkie Pie

Nanny's Fat Little Porkie PieDoubtless you are all familiar with Nanny's constant harangue about children becoming obese at an "exponential rate".

Nanny claims that by 2020 more than half the children in Britain will be obese.

Well guess what?

This assertion turns out to be bollocks!

The Social Issues Research Centre (SIRC) has concluded that Nanny is using the wrong set of scales. Instead of using Nanny's scales, which seemingly are maladjusted, Nanny should be using the international standard; which asserts that fewer than 7% of children are obese.

Now of course this revelation does not sit well with Nanny; she has, after all, just launched a number of campaigns telling us that junk food is bad for children. To have to recant now would make her look very stupid indeed.

The good people at SIRC, in fact, go further in putting the boot into Nanny's fat free fad.

SIRC assert that the weight gain in the British population occurs after people leave school. Therefore, to target healthy eating programmes and lectures at children is entirely missing the point.

As usual Nanny has acted without thinking.

Do you think she will apologise, and change her policies?

Will she F***!

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