Thursday, February 10, 2005

When Your Best Isn't Good Enough

When Your Best Isn't Good EnoughNanny is a strict mistress (that phrase will get this site some interesting hits from search engines!) she expects everything to be done "just so", in accordance with her views and rules.

Unfortunately not everyone can live up to her "high standards" and, as such, can be ostracised and rejected by Nanny.

Now we all know that the Samaritans do sterling work for the suicidal, depressed and unhappy. Volunteers man telephone lines 24 hours a day, offering friendly non judgemental counsel and a shoulder to cry on.

It is widely acknowledged, and recognised, that they have saved many lives.

The Samaritans in Sheffield recently went to Nanny's chums, in that much respected national institution "The National Lottery", to ask for a £300K grant for the refurbishment of a new premises that they bought with a legacy; they have to leave their current premises, as the landlord sold it.

Unfortunately their request was rejected on the grounds that they do not do enough for the disadvantaged, asylum seekers and ethnic minorities.

Call me stupid, but are the idiots in the Lottery suggesting that the Samaritans should ask callers first what socio-economic group they come from?

Presumably if you are white and middle class, you are then told to go hang yourself?

The good news is that Nanny's Lottery is spending the money on more deserving causes; £360K is being given to a fund to advise prostitutes.

Nanny is very selective, when choosing who she decides to help.


  1. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Agreed. just a quibble: Nanny used to be quite strict about grammar. Could we have: "Nanny is very selective, when choosing whom she decides to help" instead of the TV twoddle you wrote? I do so far prefer to read English.

  2. The Bowland and Pennine Mountain Rescue Team had their funding bid rejected for the same reason. Not rescuing enough elderly, young, disabled ethnic minority people.

  3. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Wuld be such good comedy if it were not true... The absurdity of it all boggles the mind.
