Thursday, March 03, 2005

Nanny Bans British Bulldog

Nanny Bans British BulldogNanny can be a "daft and dangerous old coot" at times, as she pokes her unwelcome nose into the affairs of "her charges".

Her most recent attempt to control our daily lives concerns the harmless antics that go on in childrens' playgrounds across the country.

Her acolytes in Broomley First School, Stocksfield, rather than worrying about the rise in gang culture and assaults that are sweeping our schools; have focused their pinched interfering noses at the harmless games of British Bulldog and tag.

Nanny's acolytes feel that these games are too dangerous for the "delicate flowers" that attend Broomley First and, as such, have banned them from being played by the children.

I would note that these games, and their variants, have been played down the centuries by previous generations; without major disaster.

However, Nanny knows best!

The parents, not surprisingly, are up in arms about this absurd decision; they feel that it is way too overprotective.

They joined children in a breaktime protest rally, and have started a "Vote for Bulldog" petition; in an attempt to have the ruling reversed.

The school argue that the ban is necessary, to prevent children from being hurt.

This of course is utter nonsense; by covering the children in cotton wool like this they will be ill prepared for the reality of what is a very harsh and unforgiving world.

As on parent said:

"Yes, children fall over and scratch themselves or tear their trousers, but it is an important part of social behaviour that when a child falls over others know how to react. Games like these help them grow up into responsible adults."

By destroying the childrens' ability to stand up for themselves as adults, Nanny makes them more dependent on her for protection and guidance; dependence is of course what she wants.

Nanny is, in effect, committing child abuse; by depriving children of a necessary learning experience.

I hope that someone prosecutes her.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Bulldog = exercise

    exercise = fewer fat children

    fewer fat children = less long term cost to NHS

    The wonders of joined up Government

  2. Anonymous1:45 PM

    and once they are helpless, they become victims! As victims, they can point the finger of blame at someone. The problem is, the finger of blame won't be pointed at Nanny and her acolytes but at the REAL criminals; McDonalds, KFC, chocolate manufacturers, drinks manufacturers, blah blah blah...
