Thursday, March 24, 2005

Nanny Bans Flashing

Nanny Bans FlashingIn a move that I can only describe as utter stupidty, Nanny has decided to ban the Kent police from using sirens and blue flashing lights.

Seemingly they are considered by Nanny to be just too dangerous; the sirens and flashing lights that is, not the police.

As from April police officers in Kent have been told not to break the speed limit, or step outside the rules of the Highway Code when chasing criminals.

Additionally, instead of having to arrive at an emergency within 10 minutes of an emergency call, they will be told simply to "get there as quickly as it is safe to do so".

In order to drum home her message, Nanny is removing sirens and flashing lights from patrol cars.

No this is not an early April Fool's Day joke!

Supt Alan Horton, of Kent's Tactical Operations Department, sent his colleagues a memo which outlined the new "thinking" by Nanny. Flashing blue lights and sirens will become "a rare event".

Mr Horton said:

"The changes are in recognition of the frankly alarming number of Police Accidents (Polacs) throughout the country. Last year there were around 50 Polacs a day...Patrol cars will not have audible warning equipment and this is being disabled. It will be removed when the vehicle is next serviced..."

He noted:

"This might impact our response times. The counter argument is that it is better to get there a little later than not at all..."

He added:

"A basic driver cannot go outside the Road Traffic Act. This does not mean that they cannot attend emergency calls, simply that they must do so within their capabilities and within the capabilities of the vehicles."

One officer is quoted as saying:

"The figures that Supt Horton quotes are misleading as a police accident is defined as any incident with which a police vehicle is associated - whoever is to blame and even if there has been no contact between the police vehicle and the one being pursued".

He added:

"This new policy is not being announced publicly in order that Kent's criminals don't find out about it. The fact is that word will start spreading as soon as a stolen car speeds off and they see a patrol car slowing down."

"As the directive comes into force on April 1, you would be forgiven for thinking that this is an early April Fool's joke.I only wish it was.

As he says:

"The truth is that the policy is akin to waving a white flag at criminals."

Nanny is an utter fool, and has become a sick joke, she should be removed from office immediately.

The only beneficiaries of this absurd ruling will be the criminals.


  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Quick - buy them while you still can!! The Early Learning Centre shops in the UK are selling toy policemen's helmets with flashing blue lights - also with little dayglow outfits. For 3 year olds and above. :-)

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    NOT true
