Thursday, March 10, 2005

Nanny Gets The Hump

Nanny Gets The HumpIt seems that the scourge of speeding drivers, ambulances and fire engines may be removed from our streets.

There are reports that Nanny may consider removing road humps, in some areas.

Nanny has finally woken up to the blindingly obvious facts about road humps:
  • They cause "speeders" to drive down roads where there are no humps

  • They delay ambulances and fire engines; thus costing lives.
In other words they don't work.

Unfortunately Nanny's chums in ROSPA have put their noses into this, warning that any local authority which removed humps might be sued by the families of people killed by speeding vehicles.

Now maybe I am missing something, but shouldn't the grieving families be suing the speeding driver not the council?

This is a fine example of the blame culture being taken to extremes.

If I make and sell knives; and some idiot uses one of these to kill someone, surely the murderer is the guilty party not I?


    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      You are fogetting the most important bit about suing someone.. money!

      Thus you sue the council or the manufacturer (if you can!) as they have more cash...

    2. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Think thats bad? - check this out!!!!
