Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Nanny is Mother, Nanny is Father

Nanny is Mother, Nanny is FatherI am a firm believer in the maxim "manners maketh man"; in my opinion, in order for a society to function smoothly and with minimum friction, it is essential that people treat each other with politeness and respect.

However, as usual when Nanny sticks her nose into the affairs of her "charges", Nanny has oversteped the mark in imposing her views on the rest of us.

It is reported that schools in Britain will spend nearly £10M teaching children how to make friends, resolve squabbles and learn manners.

Nanny's friends in the Department of Education have said that social and emotional skills are no longer the main responsibility of parents.

In other words Nanny wants to take over the role of the biological parents, and become mother and father.

Children will be encouraged to talk about their emotions and play a quiz called "Guess what I am feeling?". They then will design an "emotional barometer" to rate the strength of their feelings.

They will be encouraged to pass round a cuddly toy to stroke to help them understand the "nice" feelings resulting from a compliment.

Once again Nanny has shown that her mission is to make people dependent on her, thus ensuring that she will always have a role to play.

Nanny must be made to understand that it is not the role of the state to act as surrogate parents.

As David Hart, of the National Association of Head Teachers, said:

"Once again, schools are being used to make good the deficiencies of parents..I think there's a distinct danger that we are drifting more and more into the nanny state."

I couldn't have put it better myself.


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    For sure the majority of parents are letting their children, and society down, imho this has been encouraged by nannies own party, she has engineered this very situation to really entrench her controll, this is socialist utopia indeed

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Keeping socialist nanny away from ones children is the single most compelling reason for sending ones children to a private school.By this means one can preserve both the sanity of the parents and children.
