Sunday, April 03, 2005

Computer Says No

Computer Says No

My apologies for not posting any Nanny stories yesterday, I was unfortunately involved in a titanic battle of wills with the computer system at

I will elaborate.

Last week my partner (Eva) booked a flight to Stockholm with, she duly received the confirmation for the flight which was to take place today.

However, on Friday evening at around 6:15 she received an email from Lastminute which started off in the not too promising fashion "Hello Frost..".

The fact that her surname is in fact Hellqvist, seemingly was of no importance to the author of the missive.

Said author then went on to explain that the ticket for the flight had been cancelled, as there were in fact no seats available. Why, one wonders, did the Lastminute computer system sell us a ticket for these non existent seats?

The author then suggested that we call him for clarification.

Ah, if only things were that simple!

We called but, needless to say, the office was shut!

Saturday duly dawned, and we had less than 24 hours to try to get Eva a flight; cue the dramatic music.

We accessed dear old Lastminute's site and found a few flights that were still available, though these were naturally more expensive than our original booking; how convenient!

We tried to book, but the computer said "No"; the flight (despite being shown only 10 nano seconds before) was now full.

We tried another search and came up with another flight, alas to no avail; computer said "No".

We tried four more times, each time the computer gave us a flight that we could book; each time we then pressed the booking button computer said "No".

Anyhoo, very helpfully computer provided us with a phone number to ring.

I rang, and found myself talking to a real live customer "care" operative; to my view a more apt description of said individual would be that of witless, patronising "scrote".

Said scrote, informed me that I had rung the wrong number, and that he was not the right person in the mighty empire to handle my booking.

I pointed out that computer had given me the number.

He pointed out that computer was wrong.

He gave me another number to ring.

I asked to be transferred, scrote said he couldn't do that.

Okey dokey, I rang the new number.

Joy of joys I found myself talking to the computer, which was equipped with a voice recognition and touch tone operating system. I went throughout the sequence to get to the "book flight only to Europe" part of the menu.

At this point, can you guess?

Yes, that's right, computer said "No".

Seemingly, if you can believe the computer, Lastminute do not take human bookings for Europe flights only; I was told by computer to use the computer to make the booking, computer then hung up on me.

Well bit of a problem wouldn't you say?

I decided to ring my old chum the witless, patronising scrote; and pointed out the "catch 22" problem with computer and the booking system.

Scrote informed me that I must have used the system incorrectly, and that the system worked perfectly. I pointed out that I was not an idiot, comments on this assumption please?, and that the system did not work. Scrote informed me that the system worked perfectly, and that I was the only person ever to complain; therefore I was at fault, not the system.

Orwellian "Big Brother" logic if ever I've heard it!

Scrote then again refused to transfer me.

Right, time to don my armour of burnished bronze, we do not get treated like this!

I rang computer again, this time claiming that I wanted to book a holiday. Computer graciously allowed me to talk to a human.

The human I spoke to was a charming lady, who told me that I had come through to the wrong part of Lastminute (this we knew!), and that I should have gone to the flight booking area (this we also knew!).

I explained the problem, fortunately she had the wit and the intelligence to check for herself; and informed me "that there seems to be something wrong with the computer"...ah ha!


Now we at last were getting somewhere.

She said that she could not transfer me to the right department, fascinating phone system they have in Lastminute wouldn't you say?

However, she would get someone to ring me back.

She kept her word, and another person rang back. He was also helpful and intelligent.

I explained the problem with the cancellation and the trouble with computer. He then spent a while trying to confirm if Eva's original ticket had been cancelled. This came to now't, as the person who emailed Eva was not known to him, and the department in which he allegedly worked was shut until Monday.

So we "winged it" and decided to make a new booking.

After a few more phone calls we finally succeeded in getting a new flight booking by 3:00pm that afternoon (some 6 hours after we started trying to make a new booking!).

Well, they do call themselves "Lastminute"!

Needless to say the new flight was around £60 more expensive!

The moral of this story is that Nanny exists in many forms, be it political or commercial, all of them designed to belittle and crush the individual.

Now, for those of you with nothing better to do today, I have a little game for you.

Let's annoy computer, try to make a booking for a European flight only (not holiday, not hotel) using the following phone number 08712223200.

I bet computer says "No".


  1. We've had horrendous problems with - hubby had booked me a dinner and a show for my 30th birthday with them, money was taken from the card, turned up at the restaurant and no reservations had been made and no show tickets were waiting for us.

    Restaurant (Rock Cafe) was fantastic and gave us a fabulous meal at a huge discount to make up for it, but were unable to find us any tickets at short notice. It then took us MONTHS to get a refund out of

    Would never ever buy anything from them ever ever again.

  2. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I have also had horrendous problems with! I booked 4 tickets for the Leeds Festival via on April 3rd, but did this in 2 separate transactions, as I wasn't sure if my bank would allow such a large amount to go out all at once.

    NME uses it seems, as a few weeks later I got an email from them informing me that due to technical problems only one of my orders had been charged for and that I needed to call them with my card details to pay for the second order.

    I called the number (08712223200) and navigated my way through the most frustrating voice recognition menu ever until I finally reached a real person. This person took my card details and promised all would be sorted out. Over the next few weeks I kept checking my bank account and still the money had not been taken. I kept on and on calling, and each time they informed me that I still owed them the money (which I already knew!) and I had to give them my details again. After about 7 phone calls and as many emails, each one dealt with by a different member of staff, the appropriate sum finally went out of my account. Phew, I thought, finally sorted out!

    But oh no! More was to come! I have now been receiving emails from NME Customer Service, informing me I have still not paid for the second order. I have replied a few times, including screenshots of my bank statement proving that 288.95 has left my account on two separate occasions, but they do not seem to believe me! Clearly there is 288.95 floating around's system somewhere.

    This is still to be resolved....

    I will never ever us for anything again. Annoying thing is, I didn't even choose to use them in the first place, it was only because the NME website uses them as a ticket provider!

  3. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Do not use Lastminute!

    There was no reservation made in our name at the hotel we planned to stay at... At 7p.m. (the day of the check-in) we receive a phone call from Lastminute saying we have a reservation! AT 7P.M.!!! What were we supposed to do? Camp out in front of the hotel until we get a real confirmation from the front desk (not from Lastiminute, because they send those out like spams!)... Our credit card was charged, although we didn't use their hotels...Such a stupid company and if you want to avoid the hassle of dealing with incompetent idiots, avoid them!

  4. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I don't know maybe it was just my experience but I used them on several last minute flight occasions and never had a problem. Although I am trying to book a last minute vacation right to Nevada for the weekend and you guys have me frightened to try them again. It's been a while since I have used them.

  5. should always be lower case L and .com should never be 'left off' as it was in your post. I don't see how people are expected to take your complaints seriously when you clearly have no attention to detail yourself! For all we know you dreamt the whole thing.

  6. James

    are you really so pedantic in real life?

    It is clear to all that my ref to "Lastminute" means
