Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Nanny Gets A Dose Of The Crabs II

Nanny Get's A Dose of The Crabs IIGuess what?

Following on from my article yesterday, about crabbing being banned from the Felixstowe Ferry jetty; it seems that Nanny has had such a bad reaction from the public to her daft plan, that she has changed her mind.

Suffolk Council have cancelled their dictat, crabbing is no longer to be banned!

The signs that had been put up last week, prohibiting crabbing at the jetty, have now been removed.

Suffolk County Council admitted that:

"this was a rather unsubtle outright ban..".

Nanny now claims that she wants something a bit more "diplomatic and user friendly,".

In other words Nanny, as usual, hadn't thought through the consequences of her actions.

This just goes to show that if people are prepared to kick up a fuss, Nanny's daft ideas can be "kicked into touch".

1 comment:

  1. I can see why full out crabbing ought to be banned.

    I think they should allow muttering quietly under one's breath.
