Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Nanny Joins Ghostbusters

Nanny Joins GhostbustersFollowing on from the death of the Pope, Nanny has had a spiritual awakening; in other words she has decided to interfere in yet another aspect of people's lives.

This time, her chums in the Norfolk education authority have drawn up guidelines for teachers who give instruction in Religious Education (RE).

Seemingly the phrase "Holy Ghost" is now considered to be "spooky". Therefore, it has been banned.

Instead teachers should use the phrase "Holy Spirit".

Then, for good measure, Nanny goes on to instruct that the first 39 books of the Bible should not be called "the Old Testament"; because it makes them sound old-fashioned.

Erm, sorry, wasn't the Old Testament written a few thousand years ago?

How can you "modernise" that?

The Catholic faith is then given an image makeover, Nanny says that Communion bread and wine should not be referred to as "the body of Jesus" or "the blood of Jesus"; because it suggests "a cannibalistic consumption of human flesh".

What utter bollocks!

Who the hell hires, and pays, these morons?

Norfolk county council's cabinet will be approving these ideas this week, and they will be introduced in all the county's schools by September next year.

Added do's and don't include the advice that teachers should avoid equating Islam with terrorism, by not showing children photographs of Muslims holding swords or kalashnikovs.

The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem must not be called such as, and this is particularly stupid, it implies that Jewish prayer is negative and moaning.

Photos of Hindu holy men, who are emaciated and covered in mud, are to be avoided; as it gives the impression that Hinduism is for "weirdos or masochists".

Sikhs also get the full "Nanny treatment", teachers are to avoid showing kachs; seemingly they look like merely voluminous underpants, and can give rise to a poor response.

The above nonsense shows how by giving a few morons a little bit of power, they can wreak havoc.

If you want to tell the Norfolk Education Authority what you think of their scheme, please use this link.


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    What about a "Moron of the Week" award. A personal photograph to be circulated on the net and a small presentation to give the lucky recipient a real sense of achievement. I can think of at least one Chief Constable who has done his bit and deserves recognition, not to mention countles Health and Safety Chairmen.

  2. I don't mean to crab, but I think all these exhortations to Buy Bull are quite unfair to cows and will lower their self esteem.

    Now if we could just get them to stop chewing crud it would boost their self esteem even more.


    Now of course testament means holding on to something a bit lewd in order to read about Lot's daughters.

    You can see the problem right there.
