Friday, May 27, 2005

Nanny Bans More Words

Nanny Bans More WordsNanny's chums in that old dinosaur of a forgotten and useless organisation the TUC have suddenly woken up.

They have realised that they are totally ignored these days, and decided to put matters right.

How have they done this?


They have issued an Orwellian directive proscribing certain words.

Guaranteed to give them some free publicity.

Obviously our "brothers" in the TUC have not read 1984, in which Orwell pointed out the dangers of "wordspeak" interference.

Anyhoo, the TUC has set out its "concerns" about the English language in a document called Diversity in Action; this advises trade unionists on the "appropriate use of language" on race, sex and age.

Seemingly words such as "lady", "granddad" and "youth" are now verbotten. These will cause offence in some circumstances, it says.

On age, it says:

"Being old in British society carries connotations of being worn out and of little further use."

Just like the TUC!

The guide says "granddad" and "grandma" may offend some people, as well as "old fool" and "old codger".

It goes on: "Equally, 'youth' has connotations of inexperience, impetuosity, and unreliability or even dishonesty." "Young people" is preferable.

I prefer yob, myself.

In the section on sex and language, the guide says:

"The term 'lady' is not universally accepted and should not generally be used. The terms 'love', 'dear' and 'pet' may offend some people, especially women, and should not be used."

It is acceptable to use "black" to describe colour, as in blackboard, black coffee and black bin bag. But the guide says terms such as black sheep, blacklist, black mark and black looks, although not linked to skin colour, reinforce a negative view of all things black.

There you are ladies and gentlemen (oops sorry I used a proscribed word there), another fine example of money and time being wasted on trivia.

The TUC don't care though, because they are spending the subs of their members.


  1. It would seem that the words 'Father' and 'daddy' are also proscribed nowadays as well. In a recent encounter with one of the PC brigade to which my three year old daughter had described me as her daddy, the individual replied "Hello, I hear you are Xs biological carer figure." to which I answered, naturally enough "Yes, I'm her father.". I was then informed "we don't like to use that term as it is gender specific and can cause offence to same sex carers.". My reply to that is unprintable.

  2. We are being governed by thrid rate fools and losers.

    Time they were kicked out of office for good.

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    What are we coming to when the words "Father" and "Daddy" are proscribed by the PC brigade?

    I take it then that the opening line of the Lord's Prayer will become "Our biological carer figure...."

  4. Pauline

    I suspect that tht title "Lord's Prayer" will have to be changed.

    Lord implies subserviance and a class structure, does it not?

    Indeed Lord is also male, and therefore gender biased.

  5. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Have they proscribed the words "Rediculous Backwards Communists" yet? Just asking.
