Thursday, May 12, 2005

Nibble Nobby's Nuts

Nibble Noddy's NutsThere are occasions when Nanny misses a trick, I admit that those ocassions are rare.

However, One such example of her missing a chance to enforce her prudish views on us is demonstrated by the marvelously amusing advert for Nobby's Nuts.

The advert stars none other than seventies pop legend Noddy Holder.

Viewers can watch Noddy being "attacked", in a particular manner, by some men in a pub who get things a little muddled with regard to Nobby's and Noddy's Nuts.

The ad is an absolute hoot, but the advertisers are wary about Nanny's chums in ASA trying to ban it; so they are only airing it after 9PM

However, given ASA's actions in the past I wouldn't put it past them trying to ban it.

Therefore I recommend that you make the most of the opportunity, and watch it here: Nibble Nobby's Nuts.


  1. Anonymous3:24 PM

    It's a very funny ad I agree, and fair play to Noddy Holder - even though he's getting paid for it!

  2. Anonymous12:13 AM

    wtf its a scam you have to pay $$ just to see an add!?
