Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Nanny's Fake ID Cards

Nanny's Fake ID CardsAs we all know, Nanny's chum Fungus Clarke has boldly taken up the mantle of ID cards; which was thrown away by Blunkett.

We are told, now that the terrorist threat has been shown to be bollocks, that these miracle cards will prevent fraud.

Clever old Nanny, always looking for ways to manipulate the story so that she can get her own way.

Unfortunately, Nanny, this rationale is also flawed.

Fraud experts have rejected this notion, as being fanciful in the extreme.

Dr James Backhouse, director of the London School of Economics Information Systems Integrity Group, said that ID cards will in fact help fraudsters.


"ID cards will exacerbate the situation..

The US has a very big identity fraud problem and this is partly because the system relies on social security numbers as a universal form of identity

As ever, Nanny tries her little tricks but her lies are easily shot down.

Just to remind you why ID cards are bollocks, please check out an earlier article on this site "Top Ten Reasons Why ID Cards Are Bollocks".


  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Another reason why ID cards are bollocks:

    I know what Tony Blair looks like and where he lives!

  2. Further reasons:

    1) Any terrorist organisation will have members in 'deep cover' so they will probably be able to get legitimate ids anyway.

    2) Illegal immigrants don't have any form of id now, it does not stop them. The people who employ them are unlikely to ask for ID even if ID cards are present. They are invisible now, they will be invisible in the future.

    3) Homegrown 'terrorist' organizations are likely to have genuine ID cards. Let's imagine the scenario: In twenty years time an organisation dedicated to saving the environment by blowing up car dealerships is formed. They recruit from amongst the UK population who already have ID cards. Oh it's going to be so easy to spot the 'terrorists' then isn't it. What do they do ? Haul everyone in who has a genuine ID card ?

    4) It isn't exactly difficult to get someone into a country illegally a few weeks before an attack then hide them until the time comes if you know how and terrorist organisations know how and have the resources to do so. Unless there are checkpoints on every road in the country they are not going to be stopped.

    ID cards won't prevent anything and will just make bureaucracy worse.

  3. Anonymous12:52 AM

    It's not about OUR safety and security, but THEIRS. The primary and overwhelming purpose of ID cards is to monitor and control the movements of likely dissidents i.e. the British public.

    There is also a lucrative spin-off in selling off our personal data to Nanny's friends in advertising and big business

  4. Anonymous3:44 PM

    "now that the terrorist threat has been shown to be bollocks"
    Why you poor old dear. You hope its bollocks don't you?

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    "Why you poor old dear. You hope its bollocks don't you?"

    Dictatorship 101:
    1) Create large imaginary threat
    2) Impose any represive measure you like

    I can't be bothered looking up the numbers right now but didn't more amaerican shoot each other/die in road accidents the same year the 9/11 occured?

  6. Anonymous7:49 PM

    To see Charles Clarke as Fugus the Bogeyman


  7. Anonymous7:56 PM

    To see Charles Clarke as Fugus the Bogeyman

    Picture of Fungus the Bogeyman AKA Charles Clarke - Link

  8. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Like "chip & pin" ID cards will be a complete waste of time. The technology wont work more crims will be able to learn more about you when they nick your identity. As there will be an electronic transmitter included anyone with an electronis reader & a laptop will be able to interogate your card at anytime your out in public.

    Look as "chip & pin" the system which was going to defeat the fraudsters almost overnight. Utter crap. Anyone & his dog with any common sense could see that by using your pin much more frequently it became more vunerable.. The banking industry are now trying to say "we didn't claim it would beat fraud in fact fraud has dropped in the last few months" Of course it has but as we have recently seen the fraudsters are now getting their act together & are of on to these new & even greener pastures.

    The fact that anyone with half a brain cell could see this coming beggers the question why chip & pin. Well there's a very good reason why! & its thes. Before chip & pin you had to sign a piece of paper which if required could prove whether or not you HAD used your card. The only place where your pin was vunerable was at the ATM.
    By removing the need for a signature the banks can repudiate liabilty by claiming YOU must have been careless with your pin. "So Sir/Madam you CLAIM to have lost money, tough shit go hang

    I mention this to show that the so called "Improvements" in banking security are anything but & why should we expect anything different with ID cards

  9. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Like "chip & pin" ID cards will be a complete waste of time. The technology wont work more crims will be able to learn more about you when they nick your identity. As there will be an electronic transmitter included anyone with an electronis reader & a laptop will be able to interogate your card at anytime your out in public.

    Look as "chip & pin" the system which was going to defeat the fraudsters almost overnight. Utter crap. Anyone & his dog with any common sense could see that by using your pin much more frequently it became more vunerable.. The banking industry are now trying to say "we didn't claim it would beat fraud in fact fraud has dropped in the last few months" Of course it has but as we have recently seen the fraudsters are now getting their act together & are of on to these new & even greener pastures.

    The fact that anyone with half a brain cell could see this coming beggers the question why chip & pin. Well there's a very good reason why! & its thes. Before chip & pin you had to sign a piece of paper which if required could prove whether or not you HAD used your card. The only place where your pin was vunerable was at the ATM.
    By removing the need for a signature the banks can repudiate liabilty by claiming YOU must have been careless with your pin. "So Sir/Madam you CLAIM to have lost money, tough shit go hang

    I mention this to show that the so called "Improvements" in banking security are anything but & why should we expect anything different with ID cards
