Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Anti Binge Drinking Policy is Bollocks - It's Official!

Anti Binge Drinking Policy is Bollocks - It's Official!Full marks and indeed my admiration to Louise Casey, Nanny's senior adviser on anti-social behaviour and head of the Home Office anti-social behaviour unit (an Orwellian sounding body if ever there was one).

She seemingly "said it how it is" last month, whilst delivering an after dinner speech to chief constables and senior civil servants.

During her barnstorming performance Casey joked about working while drunk, and said anti-binge drinking messages were "nonsense". She also poked fun at Home Secretary Charles "Fungus" Clarke during this splendid speech.

Speaking in Stratford-upon-Avon, Ms Casey told her audience:

"I suppose you can't binge drink anymore because lots of people have said you can't do it. I don't know who bloody made that up, it's nonsense."

She added that some ministers might perform better if they "turn up in the morning pissed".

Hear! Hear!

In Casey's view, "Doing things sober is no way to get things done,"; can't argue with that can you?

She is after all in charge of managing ASBO's.

Then, in a career enhancing move, she lambasted Downing Street; which she said was "obsessed" with conducting extensive research before formulating policies.

She joked that she would "deck" Downing Street policy advisers if they kept spouting jargon at her.

She said the tea lady was more powerful than ministers.

A Home Office spokesman said Ms Casey was achieving a great deal in leading the campaign to tackle anti-social behaviour.

Quite so!

It seems to me that Ms Casey's remarks were right on the nail, full credit to her for having the guts to defy her Mistress (Nanny that is).

Unfortunately for Casey, Nanny does not allow freedom of thought, expression or argument; she will doubtless find herself sacked after this.

She is very welcome to appear on this site, as a guest contributor.

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