Friday, August 05, 2005

Nanny's Naughty Nurses

Nanny's Naughty Nurses
Nanny thinks that we are all very naughty when it comes to looking after our health, and in her view if we cannot be trusted to look after ourselves then she is jolly well going to enforce her views upon us.

Nanny has a particular abhorrence of smoking, just like Hitler did, and as such has decided to enforce a strict no smoking policy in and around her hospitals.

In order for this policy to work she has set up a Naughty Nurse Patrol (that phrase will get me some interesting hits from search engines) in the Aintree Hospitals NHS Trust in Liverpool, whoch will target people who in her view are being naughty.

Nurses in the trust have been asked to take part in anti-smoking patrols around two hospital sites, and offer smoking cessation advice to staff and visitors.

In other words they will be telling people to stop smoking, even though it is not their business to do so.

Nurses have been told to go on hour-long patrols, as part of Nanny's non-smoking policy, which cover the entire hospital site.

Naughty Nurse Patrols are carried out three times a day, with staff doing rounds in pairs, handing out smoking leaflets and advice.

Not surprisingly, given the somewhat overstretched nature of the NHS, many staff are unhappy about being asked to carry out these patrols; as they do not regard it as part of their job, and because it will take them away from patient care on the wards.

Another small point is that it is not up to Nanny to tell us what to do, but then again that has never stopped her in the past.

Nanny just loves to waste everyones time.


  1. Ummm! I think I can see a flaw in this plan. Working near a hospital I frequently get to see groups of medical staff hanging around at the back of the buildings having a crafty 'cough and a drag'. I can see pairs of nurses vanishing for hour stretches only to be found in the company of the senior consultant and a packet of B&H. Still, I'm sure the leaflets will come in handy for lighting up.

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  3. I have a hospital appointment on Monday for my gallstone problem, and I will lay good money that as part of the health rote that is worked to I will be told to quit smoking...

  4. Anonymous12:39 AM

    I smoked for thirty years and eventually gave up because every one had finally given up telling me to stop. It was only when they all finally shut up that I was able to put it out of my mind and give. So why not SHUT UP and let people decide for them selves in their own good time.
