Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Bollocks To The Bar Steward

Bollocks To The Bar StewardI have taken on board an earlier suggestion from a visitor, who was angry that he would be arrested for wearing a "Bollocks To Blair" T shirt.

Here is Nanny Knows Best's answer to the ban:

"Bollocks To The Bar Steward"

A whole range of items bearing this fine logo, featuring Nannny's smooth talking bar steward, can now be purchased from Nanny Knows Best.

Bollocks To The Bar Steward ThongIf you don't want a T shirt, may I interest you in a thong?

You can visit the store via this link Bollocks To The Bar Steward.


  1. I notice you have them in kids' sizes. Excellent! Now if only I can order one for my toddler grandson without his mother and grandmother tearing me limb from limb ....

  2. Hey Ken - go to www.lafraise.com and enter the design there - I think they've got the English side of it going - if not - keep an eye out, they pay money to top designers!

  3. Thanks for the tip Dennis
