Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Nanny Bans Bees

Nanny Bans BeesNanny has many friends, sprites and elves, who are all willing to do her bidding; and impose their own views on us as to what we should/should not be doing with our lives.

It seems that the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) have taken to Nannying us in a big way.

Poor old Barclays came "a cropper" recently, in respect of one of their adverts.

The advert showed a man suffering an allergic bee sting reaction, and then falling into a river. This seemingly innocuous advert elicited complaints from a staggering 300 people (the population of Britain is 60 million, by the way).

Have you people really got nothing better to do with your lives?

Get a life you sad bastards!

As a result, ASA banned the advert on the ludicrous grounds that it offended people with allergies.

The tyranny of the minority knows no bounds when Nanny is in charge.

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