Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Enormous Omelette

The Enormous OmeletteSometimes I read a story that warms to cockles of my heart, can I say cockles?

Whereby a person or group puts up a fight, and resists Nanny's attempts at behaviour modification.

My compliments therefore to the good people at Burger King, Britain's second-biggest fast food chain.

They have decided to stick two fingers up at Nanny by snubbing Nanny's attempts to reduce levels of salt, fat and sugar in food to make it healthier.

Burger King have pulled out of a joint initiative, between the food industry and the Food Standards Agency (FSA), to reformulate fast foods to make them less unhealthy.

Burger King intend to concentrate on making its burgers and other products as "tasty" as it can.

Bloody good show!

This means that they will stop cutting salt, fat and sugar. Indeed they are in fact moving on to the offensive; by considering selling the "Enormous Omelette Sandwich".

This splendidly robust product was recently launched in America. It contains a stonking 740 calories and 4.9 grams of salt; and comprises two slices of cheese, two eggs, three strips of bacon and a sausage patty on a bun.

Now that's an omelette!

This decision, needless to say, will cause Nanny a few headaches as it threatens the consensus between the food industry, the FSA and the Department of Health.

Needless to say, by opting for taste, rather than Nanny's puritanical bland blend, Burger King are likely to find their omelettes selling like...erm..er.."hot cakes" (which of course Nanny doesn't approve of either!).

Nanny and her chums will doubtless argue that it is disgraceful that such a product is put before the British public.

My view is simple, if I choose to gorge like a pig and balloon to 20 stone in weight, then it is my own stupid fault.

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