Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Cost of Nanny

The Cost of NannyThose of you who doubt that Nanny's rules affect ordinary everyday activities, should read the following and weep.

Nanny's chums in the EU have issued a "Working at Heights Directive", which affects us here in the UK.

Father Anthony Sutch, of St Benet's Church in Beccles, had to call in electricians the other week to change light bulbs that are 40 feet above the congregation.

However, safety regulations deemed the church ceiling too high for a ladder; therefore scaffolding had to be erected, for a lengthy and costly replacement operation.

The cost?

Yours for £1300!


  1. Those of you who may visit Greece or Spain (and possibly other EU countries) will have no doubt seen the way that these countries select and use far more sensibly these EU regulations. The number of times I have watched safety practices on a Spanish building site, for instance, and said to my wife "wouldn't be allowed in the UK".

    In the UK these EU directives are used by Nanny to "copper plate" regulations. She can then simply turn to the great unwashed and say "It's not us, it's the EU". That way we become more throttled and controlled by Nanny, and she has the excuse to employ yet more jobsworths, who will then vote for her in the next election simply to keep his/her job.

    These EU directives remind me of the story, a few months ago, concerning regulations which affect abbatiors. The Portugese enacted the directive in two pages, Nanny enacted it in ninety-two!! Speaks volumes, doesn't it?? (Excuse the pun, completely intended)

  2. Whilst working on an archaeological excavation a few years ago, Health and Safety banned us from working in trenches unless we wore hard hats to save us if there was a collapse. The maximum depth of the 'trenches' ? Six inches. There was probably more chance of us being hit by a number 57 bus than being concussed and buried by an avalanche of earth.

  3. Anonymous10:34 PM

    And how did they get up the scaffold?
