Thursday, November 17, 2005

ID Cards Are Bollocks

Ken says ID cards are bollocks.

Dame Stella Rimington, ex head of MI5, says that ID cards are bollocks (Bloody hell! A link!).

Why can't Nanny see that ID Cards are bollocks?


  1. Because for years Nanny has wanted to get all our private and personal details held in one central database so that she can see clearly who she rules over. Now, with the advent of her so called "anti-terrorism" campaign, she has at last found the ideal excuse which she can use to hood-wink the great unwashed.

    Notice how Blair (the copper, not the politician) always comes out of the Scotland Yard woodwork whenever terrorism is on the political agenda. He did last week, he did before the election, he will, no doubt, do it again, in the hope of keeping us all in a state of fear such that his mate and namesake, together with his political cronies, can try to continue to hood-wink us.

    I fear for this country, and it is not the terrorists who are causing me to fear!!!

  2. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Totally agree with your last sentence, spiv.

    Both Blairs, the political Plod and his namesake at no 10 as as bad as each other.

  3. Anonymous5:49 PM

    "I fear for this country,"

    I just want out of it - for good. Before they put up the "Pinstripe Curtain" and introduce Soviet-style travel restrictions and exit visas.

  4. At 9:49 AM, Pete Roberts said...

    "I fear for this country,"

    I just want out of it - for good. Before they put up the "Pinstripe Curtain" and introduce Soviet-style travel restrictions and exit visas.

    My sentiments exactly. The full arrival of the all-controlling police state, on either side of the Atlantic, is just a matter of time. Regardless of whether Pete means what he says figuratively or literally, the only question left is, where to expatriate to that is relatively "free" - and free of the "long arm of the Empire" (U.S., not British).

    On the other hand, the other side of my conscience is telling me to stay put and fight the good fight, for all the good it will do (or not). Not sure how things will work out in the end.

  5. A blog after my own heart.

    It's funny that eveyrone knows what an awful sinister nonsense ID cards are apart from Blair and his chums. I think it is an ego thing myself, they just won't admit they are in the wrong....yet.

    As part of the new-slavery, ID cards are something I will be resisting at all costs.

  6. Anonymous1:04 AM

    I find this a very sexist thread.

    The majority of the population have no bollocks they can use as identity cards. And in any case being accosted by a uniformed person in the street and asked to produce one's identity seems like a step too far in my book.

    I mean, I can understand, even applaud (quietly), the attempt to cut costs and avoid the excessive use of non-renewable materials prodcuded from fossils fuel supplies. (Not as a matter of ecological concern you understand, but as a demonstration of at least following SOME stated principles for once.)

    But I think there are other, more suitable and publically accessible places that are to be preferred.

    The most obvious one would be the forehead, provided all forms of headgear were banned ...

    I will also admit that I would have sympathy with anyone who found this objectionable. But there must be somewhere easily visible that a few numbers could be tattooed for ease of recognition and admin isn't there?

    I'm sure I heard of someone doing exactly that some years ago to help them manage their country. Apparently it worked very well at the time. The idea was adopted thoughout much of Europe as I recall.

  7. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I remember when it was Wilsons turn to screw this country the Lab gov limited the unwashed to 25 quid a trip (maybe £200 today) the only reason Im here is stepkids, without whom I would be long gone, unless the Tories save us there will be only 3 options
    1)join the ruling communist elite
    2)become unemployed and accomodated by the state somewhere nice
    3.5) strangle anyone who votes left
