Monday, November 21, 2005

Nanny Bans Tinsel

Nanny Bans TinselIt's funny how things that we have taken as being harmless over the years, can take on a new and dangerous form once Nanny has got her teeth into them.

One such innocent object, now classified by Nanny as dangerous, is tinsel.

Gill Pyatt, a headmistress at an unnamed school (if anyone knows the name of the school, please can you let me know), has banned her pupils from wearing tinsel in their hair at Christmas after a student accidentally scratched her eyeball.

However, according to the rumour mill, Ms Pyatt plans to ban all Christmas celebrations at the school.

According to Metro, some parents claimed that they were told Christmas would not be marked at all this year because of the large number of Muslim pupils.

What a silly thing to do.


  1. A friend of mine recently composed this marvellous ditty, and it is shared herewith with you:


    They’re trying to take away Christmas.
    They say it’s politically correct
    to banish the story of Jesus,
    So the Muslims and Jews can’t object.

    No sixpenny bits in the puddings
    upon which the children might choke.
    Or for adults who chomp through the brandy
    to find that their molars have broke.

    ‘Winter lights’ hang in the High Street
    ‘cos ‘fairy lights’ upset the gays.
    And mass that is read out at midnight
    Is heard through a drink induced haze.

    No Santas allowed in the grotto
    Red suits and white beards aren’t in style
    Because Ho-Ho-Ho said to a child.
    Might mean he’s a paedophile.

    Is it safe to buy turkey for dinner?
    We’re scared about avian flu
    And nuts whose shells don’t carry warnings
    For allergics all ready to sue.

    The crackers might sound like explosions
    Which might give poor Granny a fit
    So there’s nothing to say about Christmas
    Except “Thank you for banishing it!”


    Absolutely wonderful, and how pertinent.

  2. Anonymous2:41 PM

    The relevant school is Barnwood Park High School for Girls, Glos.

    Map & contact page here.

  3. See my comment in 'Nanny Continues to Ban Christmas' about the Muslim owner of the local pound shop. The owners of the local takeaway, also Muslim will have their usual 'Merry Christmas to All Our Customers' sign and you can guarantee that if on Christmas morning I bump into any of the family outside (they are neighbours) I will be greeted with a cheery 'Happy Christmas'. Maybe the PC brigade should come out into the real world occasionally and see different cultures integrating without the need for some misguided individual telling them that to be integrated you have to do away with customs and religious festivals in case they offend. The only people they seem to offend are those with their heads so far up their own backsides they will never see daylight again. Once more, a classic example of the PC mob doing more harm than any number of so called racists.
