Friday, December 23, 2005

Nanny Bans Cherie

Nanny Bans CherieHere we go folks, some seasonal cheer for you all; something that will really brighten up your Christmas.

Nanny has banned Cherie.

Yes, that's right!

Nanny has banned Cherie Blair from appearing on TV in the UK.

What!!!???...I hear you ejaculate (can I say ejaculate at Christmas time?)

It's true...Nanny really has banned Cherie.

Cherie recently recorded an interview to be shown on American TV with Katie Couric, anchor of NBC Today.

In the interview Cherie ruled out a career in politics, when Blairy leaves Downing Street.

What a relief!

Asked if she had political ambitions of her own, Cherie said:

"No, because I have been there."

Cherie unsuccessfully contested the 1983 general election as a Labour candidate in Thanet, before quitting politics to focus on law.

US President Bill Clinton had said that he would support her if she ran for power.

Cherie continued:

"I don't want to duplicate something my husband's done.

I've got plenty of things I want to do in my own right

Now, here's the interesting thing.

The interview with NBC was only allowed/granted by Nanny's trolls in Downing Street on the strict condition that it would not be broadcast in the UK.

BBC Two's Newsnight made a bold attempt to find out why this ban was put in place, yet the trolls would not comment.

Whatever the reason, I would like to thank Nanny's trolls for sparing us from this.

Merry Christmas everyone, God bless us one and all!


  1. Maybe there is a Santa Claus after all.

    But before we get too much into the celebratory Chritsmas spirit (assuming that has not yet been banned by Nanny), are we not getting used to Nanny's 'New Labour' denials, which then turn out to be true??? Seems to happen all the time now. I shudder to think how much we are lied to all the time by these people.

  2. Anonymous1:18 AM


    I have to congratulate you on the photo accompanying this post.

    Although all of your pictures are excellent in the context of the posts they relate to, this one of Cherry is an absolute Peach.

    Perfect for the purpose.

    Very well done.

