Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Here's Johnny!

Here's Johnny!

At this time of year, as the tinsel and the tree begins to droop, we all need a little something to cheer us up.

That's why God created the Smooth Talking Bar Steward, Nanny's special little court jester.

Dear old John has seen our torpor and depression, and decided to cheer us all up with his special little scheme for keeping council tax records up to date.

The Smooth Talking Bar Steward has advised council tax inspectors to use "spy in the sky" satellite cameras to snoop on people's homes; to see if they have added extensions, conservatories and sheds that could boost the value of their property.

Dear old John plans to use these pictures as part of his revaluation of homes across England.

Country homes will be at particular risk from the technology. According to an official handbook for inspectors:

"Aerial photographs are particularly effective in rural areas where improvements are hard to see from the road."

Thanks John, that really cheered us all up!


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Interesting suggestion emmat77.

    Not sure I would want that clutter in my back garden though. However if my neighbours were to have something similar I would think that should qualify as a reduced amenity and offer some scope for a reduction in local taxation.

    Should be good under the freedom of information act - if the Lord Chancer's 'improvements' don't stop the flow of information entirely - to take an aerial peek into the gardens of ministers and government buildings - like GCHQ for example (or whatever it is called these days.)

  2. Anonymous8:20 PM

    "Railwayman39 said...
    I think you will find in due course that Ministers and all their hangers on will be exempt from this further erosion of our liberty as they will be "Special Cases". It would be nice however to discover how much extra tax turrets are worth. "

    Does that make them Chief Cases then?

    Or maybe Head Cases?

    Surely we can't have 7 million people (and their relatives) as exempt cases - though is would make the activity of following the few free spirits remaining somewhat easier ...

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    But, is their technology good enough to note my noisy neighbour devaluing my property?

    Nope? Alas, I thought not.

  4. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Sound like when people come to buy a conservatory or oher extension an enterprising builder will now offer them various degrees of camoflage.

    If instead of an extension you saw a burnt out caravan from the air then job done.
