Thursday, February 02, 2006

Computer Said No!

Computer Said No!
Sorry for the lack of posting today folks, but my internet connection fell over for most of the day.

Maybe Nanny is after me?

Normal service resumes tomorrow, fingers crossed!



  1. "Maybe Nanny is after me?"

    Judging by Nanny Blair's, Blunkett's and Clarke's past record, it will surely only be a matter of time before our rights and freedoms to express our individual views are curtailed - should these views be in contradiction to the State's.

    Scary stuff, and we should be alarmed. The crime would be if we did not express our concerns.

  2. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Not happy with local nannies but even scarier might be the Mircysoft's, Gooogles and the strange and secretive outfit called IBM 'Global Services' plus a few others.

    If they all start to gel with some other influences like the Murdoch empire having any free thought may be useless, if only because you will only be having the thoughts about 'situations' you are allowed to have thoughts about. If they control the influences and the information feeds we may all end up living in an unreal world without realising it. Maybe we already do - like that Jim Carrey character in a film a few years ago.

    Soooo, which conglomerate owns the company that supplies your internet connection Ken? Might be a clue there ...


  3. Grant

    I use UK Online for my broadband connection, they "piggy back" on BT.

    The system is down again today, UK Online blame BT etc

    I am having to use dial up, which is like going back to the stoneage:(


  4. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Uhh? Stoneage good, uhh? Dial up brilliant when Broadband cant (uhh?) be provided!
