Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Cost of Nanny

The Cost of NannyOh dear, is it that time of year again?

Yes folks, Budget Day is once more upon us.

Gordon "Smiler" Brown (known by his staff as Mr Potato Head) returns to the dispatch box this afternoon to increase our taxes, with the depressing regularity of an unloved season.

The quite astonishing thing is that Brown is now taxing us at levels that we have not experienced since Dennis Healy did in the dark days of the 1970's.

Doubt me?

According to Ernst & Young, Smiler is raking in £1M per minute from us.

Peter Spencer, economic adviser to the Ernst & Young Item Club a forecasting group, said:

"It's an all-time high and we're entering uncharted waters.

We know higher taxes help explain what is happening on Britain's high streets

Treasury figures show tax revenues will total £490BN this year, up from £271BN when Brown took office. The £219BN rise is equivalent to £9K for every household in Britain.

Yet where is the money going?

Is the health service any better?


Are schools producing well developed, literate, employable leavers?


Are pensioners receiving a decent pension?


Are are urban landscapes being redeveloped in a "human friendly" form?


Where the fuck is the money going Gordon?

Answer: it is paying the 7 million people who now work for Nanny. Unfortunately, whilst this may keep people off the unemployment register, it provides little added value to the economy or indeed to the well being of the nation.

Background reading: "The Road to Nowhere - The Delusion of the Burgeoning Public Sector".

Happy Budget Day folks!


  1. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Wish I understood macro economics.

    If you extract more but use it to fund people they will either spend it or save it. The only ting that would take it out of circulation would be notes stuffed under a mattress or similar.

    If you change the unemployment funding form (to make the figures easy) 10k per annum for unemployed to 20k pa for employed you need a few mor ebillion to fund the extra 10k times, say, 2 million people.

    The original 10k was almost certainly going to be spent mostly at subsistence level. Of the 20k the first 10 will propbably still be subsistence level so not change. The rest will be the high street pot and possibly savings.

    So either the govt. "You MUST save" message is working very well or the high street pot is being spent elsewhere. But where?

    The nly other option is that Nanny is giving with one hand and clawing back with the other and wasting on non-subsistence and non-productive activities.

    Iraq and Afghanistan come to mind at this point, though some costs would be incurred anyway through the armed forces so only a proportion of the total costs can be considered as 'additional'. Even then where is it going? Purchases from UK suppliers would eventually return to the money churn.

    Infrastructure that is pointless and adds nothing would be a more likely soak for such numbers. Especially if grabbed throught the back door local taxes and spent on pointless speed humps, endless signs and a deluge of printed material delivered to every household on the way to a landfill site in China.

    Either the money is ultimately leaving the country or it is being spent on something that has no residual value to anyone. If it is leaving the country, where is it going?

    My guess is that much of it is headed for Russia to buy gas at the moment, though I did have someone knocking ion my door a coupple of days ago apparently offering deals on gass and electricity, fixed until 2010, at prices a huge percentage less them my current supplier.


    But if they CAN do it you have to wonder why the big players cannot - or is the whole energuy price crisis just another scam operated by the suppliers who can thank the environmentalists for whipping up the population's expectations to a point where they are grateful for only seeing 20% rises per quarter?

    It would never have happened if the education system was not so dumbing.

  2. This site scares the hell out of me!


    Here in New Zealand, the sheeple are rushing headlong down the very path you describe...

  3. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Where the fuck is the money going Gordon?

    Public-sector wages and PENSIONS. Ministerial expenses. Quangos. That kind of thing.

  4. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Our council tax information for next year arrived a few days ago and I have just opened it to see what the Chancer's Outsourced Tax collectors are robbing me of this year.

    Only an extra 10%. Almost a result apparently.

    So I do more work segregating rubbish for them to do whatever they do with it to satisfy government measurers but have to spend more on travelling elsewhere to deposit, as legally required, the stuff they no longer take.

    Menawhile I get less and less for the money taken and the infratsructure they are responsible for crumbles. Unless there are option to install traffic calming obstacles or replce street lights with fewer extra tall ones which may night time seem like day time and result in the damn things being higher than the roof lines of the houses. Lovely. Wonder how that gets past planning consent ...?

    The people of this country are being robbed on a grand scale. The only reason for anyone choosing the UK as a destination for thier new life is because they see an opportunity to snatch some of the pickings for themselves. And looking at the crime reports in the papers and considering the names that are reported it seems that many of them are doing just that.

    My late Father-in-Law said years ago that Brown was the most dangerous chancellor he had ever come across. Seems he was exactly right.
