Sunday, March 12, 2006

Nanny Bans Bonking II

Following on from yesterday's article about Nanny banning bonking, there may be some of you who have decided that Nanny's rules have made it simply too difficult to engage in sex with another human being; as such you may have concluded that the only other solution is to "fly solo".

I'm afraid it will not be as simple as that.

Nanny has just released an urgent health advisory notice about the dangers of masturbation, see below.

Sorry folks!

Don't fly solo


  1. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Whilst I am quite normally right handed I feel I should register a complaint about the the picture posted on this thread on behalf of the 10% or so of the population who are naturally left handed and the unknown number who are ambidextrous.

    Clearly the image is intended to exclude those of the leftist or dual leaning from the warnings about personal pleasuring and I fear that they may suffer exclusion as a result of not being warned of the dangers.

    On the other hand, so to speak, the very fact that a leftist has not been considered appropriate for modelling this role (or has been and is maliciously represented by the left side of the body shown which would be even worse) is degrading and some my feel they have been caused stress without relief by publishing this odious image.

    Surely you could have researched and identified an image which included both right and left handed people and perhaps even someone who is ambidextrous? Even better if they were clearly conjoining to provide evidence that there is no animosity intended between the right handers and the left handers.

    I'm sure there must be many such images available to you with very little time occupied with obscure searches.

    I am considering a complaint to the authorities. Don't be surprised if you are knocked up by a police armed response unit at 4:30 AM after they have finished tidying up your local town centre when the bars close.

  2. Anonymous3:45 PM


    PLEASE tell me the above person is joking.
