Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Nanny Bans Granny

Nanny Bans Granny
It seems that not only does Nanny hate teenagers, but she also hates the elderly.

That at least is the experience of Betty Wilbraham, an 82 year old grandmother, who was going for a quiet drink in her local pub - the Hereward in Ely Cambridgeshire.

Betty, as per the custom of a lady brought up in a more genteel age, wears a hat when she goes out. Unfortunately the Hereward has imposed a "No Hats" policy, in order to allow their CCTV system to identify trouble making scumbags.

Now this policy, if applied in a sensible manner, is perfectly reasonable; there are trouble making scumbags who use hoodies and hats to hide from the camera. It is not unreasonable for the pub to ask "likely looking lads" to reveal their acne and pox ridden faces, lest they start to "kick off".

Unfortunately we live in the age of Nanny, where the state has taken responsibility for every aspect of our lives.

The result?

We no longer take responsibility for any aspect of our lives, and we have stopped thinking and using our common sense.

Needless to say Betty's hat caused the jobsworth morons running the pub some form of seizure, they asked her to remove it for security reasons.

The staff were of the opinion that there was a risk she would not be recognised on CCTV cameras if she started any trouble.

I would point out that the hat had maroon ribbons, I am sure that she could have been tracked down by our ever resourceful boys in blue in the event of her "kicking off"; after all if they have the nonce to record the Attorney General on the phone, then they certainly can track down an 82 year old.

Betty, towering above many at just over 5 foot, is none too impressed with the pub and vented her spleen:

"It is ludicrous to think that a little old lady like me could cause trouble in a pub.

I don't consider myself a threatening person.

It just shows the ridiculous nature of some of these rules and regulations.

Everyone is obsessed with security these days.

The girl told me that the pub was a hatless zone.

I did what she said because I did not want to make a fuss and I don't like to disobey orders.

I'm a hat person.

If I am going out to lunch I always wear a hat.

My mother wouldn't have set a foot outside the house for a loaf of bread without her hat.

She would have been horrified if ladies went to lunch without their hats

Tony Love, the manager and evident lackey of the Nanny state, said:

"We put up the new signs

because we were finding it difficult classing what was a cap.

All customers and staff are treated the same.

In this day and age you don't know who are the troublemakers.

It is pointless having CCTV to protect people if those who cause trouble hide their faces.

I do understand Mrs Wilbraham's point of view but it is for her protection as much as anything else

Love has clearly fallen under the dubious spell of Nanny, he misses the essential truth that is vital to the harmonious interaction of a mature and vibrant society; namely that people should apply common sense and use their judgement when interacting with people.

Relying on the state to act as arbiter will simply turn us into a nation of mindless automatons, destined to decay and wallow in our own filth as we wait for Nanny to wipe our bottoms.


  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I find the Monty Python "Hell's Grannies" sketch springing to mind. Bunch of troublemakers, these pensioners!

  2. It to abdicate responsability. They just say it applies to all because they don't want some big beefy fellow refusing to comply because others in the pub have hats and because of how he looks he is being asked. Theoretically it could be used in a discrimination case. So pubs default to playing safe and I don't blame them really.

  3. Just shows how pathetic Nanny and her jobsworth lackeys have also become.

    However, Mrs Wilbraham, in common with us all, has one major card to play here, she can vote with her purse and enjoy her usual tipple at a competitor's pub. Once the brainless managers in the Barracuda Group, who own the Hereward Pub, have lost their decent honest trouble-free customers, then the idiocy of their policies may dawn on even the most feeble of minds!!

    By the way, here is Mrs Wilbraham, an evil looking yob, don't you think???


    (Just kidding Mrs Wilbraham, you look as sweet as my late grandmother, who used to bake my brother and I the most delicious meat pies when she looked after us during school holidays, many many years ago. Even 'Chief Nanny' Blair was in shorts in those days!!)

  4. Sometimes things like this really make you realise how you miss the 'old days' when pubs did not have to rely on CCTV to identify troublemakers with or without caps. Back then if you caused trouble you were likely to find yourself propelled out of the door by a well built landlord or barman with a shout of "...and don't show your nose round here again sunshine!". Sadly missed but fallen foul of Nannys "You mustn't hurt the poor misunderstood yobs in case they sue you!" rules.

  5. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Ken, did you mean "the nous to record ..." or was nonce a Freudian slip? Wouldn't surprise me that the Met do employ a quota of nonces (in the spirit of Equal Opportunities, PC etc)!

  6. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Could be fun if, say, a Sikh popped in for a glass of water.

    Presumably they would turn down bookings for wedding parties on the gorunds that their CCTV cameras would not like it.

    Coppers have to remove hats as they enter to break up an affray? Does that also mean they have to tackle things with their hat in one hand and a baton on the other?

    What about wigs and foalse moustaches? Could make someone difficult to identify. And any makeup for the ladies. Clearly ought to banned as an obvious appearance altering device.

    Likewise alcohol itself of course according to some people.

  7. Anonymous9:12 AM

    You know I do hope Mrs Wilbraham isn't such a traditionalist as to use hat pins, I'm sure these wre banned by Nanny under one the recent restrictions on sharp and pointy things because we don't know how to police effectively bills.
