Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Nanny Bans Organs

Nanny Bans OrgansOoh vicar, what a massive organ you have!

Jokes like these will soon become a thing of the past, if Nanny has her way.

It seems that Nanny's best chums in Euroland are worried about the state of our organs.

Please submit your favourite organ joke via the comment box...

Anyhoo, an EU directive has been issued which is aimed at controlling lead waste. Nothing wrong with that, except for the fact it impacts British organs!

You see folks, organ pipes contain lead; Nanny feels that the lead content of these pipes pose a serious threat to our health and safety.

I would venture to ask how many of you have actually sucked an organ...but I guess that would be taken in the wrong way!

As soon as an organ faces refurbishment, or rebuilding, the EC directive comes into play. Organs at Salisbury Cathedral, St Paul's in London, Worcester Cathedral, St Albans Abbey and Birmingham Town Hall are among the first that may be facing the chop as they are to be refurbished.

Nanny's regulations permit electrical equipment to have a maximum of 0.1% of their weight as lead. Organ pipes have a lead content of a stonking 50% or more. Nanny's chums in the Department of Trade and Industry has advised organ builders that, in the interests of directive harmony, they must "prepare to comply".

Now at this point you may have thought that an organ was a wind device..more jokes please...but you see, the wind producing part of the instrument is powered by an electric motor.

The great Harrison and Harrison organ at the South Bank, which is now undergoing refurbishment, is under immediate threat. Under EU Directive 2002 95/EC RoHS and EU Directive 2002 96/EC WEEE, it will technically be illegal to reinstall it.

The Salisbury Cathedral organ, where the console is being renovated, is also in danger of breaking Nanny's new law.

Tim Hone, head of liturgy and music at the cathedral, said:

"We would have to use a piano in perpetuity."

One point that even a 10 year old could have worked out, not Nanny of course, is that the lead in organ pipes is not thrown away but re-used. Therefore, if common sense were to be used, the directive should not apply.

However, we all know that Nanny and her lackeys do not exeicise common sense; they merely follow and implent the laws to the letter.

In a letter to organists nationwide, Katherine Venning, the president of the Institute of British Organ Building, said:

"There is a very black cloud on the horizon.

This is not a safety issue.

Pipe makers live to a ripe old age, with no known damage to their health.

The use of tin-lead alloy is essential.

There is no known substitute that will give equivalent results.

Pipe organs last indefinitely, and present no threat to the environment

A lackey for the DTI said that the directive did apply to organs, and that Britain could not deviate from a "harmonised approach".

There is a possible solution, remove the electric motors and resort to hand pumping...cue more jokes..to keep the organ going.

People of Britain, stand up for you organs!


  1. Anonymous1:48 PM

    While pleased to see that organists and others are to be protected from lead waste, I was horrified to see the reference to "a big black cloud on the horizon". This is both racist and sizeist as well as being an insult to the visually impaired who can't see anything on the horizon. Shame on you!

  2. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Why does everything have to be 'harmonised'? Surely, it is obvious to anyone with half a brain cell that laws have to be different and also applied differently according to the cultural, economic and social conditions existing in the diverse societies existing throughout Europe. So, please stop nanny from fiddling with our organs in this manner. It is true that organs have windpipes, but nothing like the hot air that nanny and her minions are perpetually churning out!

  3. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Perhaps the EU bureaucrats would like to volunteer their time to power the organs- that all seem to produce plenty of hot air.

    Humankind, certainoly of the western variety, does not deserve to survive and prosper on the basis of the evidence being presented.

    Therefore the planet is safe and we can ignore Kyoto. The solution is Organic

  4. Nanny must have heard the phrase 'grab them by the organ and their hearts and minds will follow'

  5. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Railwayman39, the correct phrase is excrementum tauri and not bovine excreta. Failure to observe the correct form will land you with a £5000 fine and three years in prison, retrospectively, whichever is the sooner, compliant with EU Euphemism Order 77/FD/90233/C (as amended 2006).

    By order.

    P. Mandelson

  6. This is no joke - I've to file copy explaining the software used for compliance. Anyone got 'an organ's lead in the pipe detector' programme?

  7. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Since when has being in the same room as lead been a health hazard? At least this discussion has yet to include a "pianist" joke.

  8. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Brings new meaning to having 'lead in your pencil'.

  9. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Sorry about the following, but I could not resist this, for the benefit of the author of the last message but one: a man (there's no reason why it cannot be a woman if you prefer) goes into hospital for an operation on his hand, following an accident. Soon after the surgeon comes to see him and tell him that the operation was successful. The man asks whether he will be able to use his hand normally, once the stitches are removed. "Off course", replies the surgeon, you will even be able to play the piano!" The man looks at the surgeon, a puzzled expression on his face. "That's funny", he said. "I couldn't do that before my operation!"
