Wednesday, March 01, 2006

We Are All Screwed

What The Fuck Is Going On?I must congratulate Nanny on her "skills" at deceiving the public, that's you and me folks, as to what she is really doing about cutting back on the number of public sector employees.

You will recall that a couple of years or so ago Nanny's best "friend" and neighbour, Gordon "Smiler" Brown, said that he would cut back the number of public sector employees by around 70,000.

Well folks, guess what?

The number of people working for Nanny remains at 7 million, in fact it is rising.

Not only that, but Nanny and her chums have been secretly adding to the number of state employees by keeping them off the official headcount.

How has she done this?, I hear you ask.

Simple, she has brought in consultants.

Nanny's ever respected and efficient HM Revenue & Customs is now hiring £1,000 a day management consultants to carry out IT tasks for its new IT department, Information Management Solutions.

Nanny has already hired 80 of these outside "wonder" consultants.

The odd thing is that these consultants are being hired as business analysts, and are doing the same work that Revenue staff do for £120 a day.

What does Nanny think that she is doing?

Many of the consultants were hired from PA Consulting, although some are also freelance consultants.

It is very reassuring to know that such a sensible and cost effective use our money has been thought up by our future Prime Minister.

Smiler Brown

The future looks "bright"!

Doesn't it?


  1. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Many of the [HM Revenue & Customs]consultants were hired from PA Consulting

    PA Consulting invented the speed camera partnership scheme for the Dept for Transport to shaft the motorist.

    God knows what they'll do to the taxpayer on this contract. Expect automatic fines for making a 10p error in your tax return, backed up by an incentivised enforcement partnership with the police and court

    I thank my lucky stars I'm getting out and won't be subject to any more UK insanity.

  2. Anonymous10:50 AM

    This seems to be a common trick for IT work. I'm currently working on a project for the DFES in which they have hired TWO expensive management consultant companies along with the software development company I work for.

    We have wonderful all day meetings for which I'm assured the DFES pays an absolute fortune which achieve nothing. We also have every decision going through both consultancies, adding cost at each point.

    The project itself could be easily done in-house by a couple of contracters, instead we have three companies sitting raking it in whilst the DFES congratulate themselves on it being a cost-saving outsourced project.

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Why don't we outsource the Cabinet? It would save a fortune. There must be an agency somewhere specializing in supplying asses. I concede that we must keep the torrent of asinine decisions flowing, so perhaps we could set up a quango personed and of course chaired by an ass to vet (a) the ass-supplying agencies and (b) the asses whom the chosen agency sends. This strategy would provide a welcome return to the good old days, when we got some play value out of the government, if nothing else. Although I have to say that the spectacle of Mrs J-Cloth, I mean Mrs T-Cloth, er ... Mrs J-Towell (surely some mistake?) -- aka Mrs Mills -- do you catch her column in the Style section of Rupert's Sunday Crimes? -- slowly rotating on a spit is exceedingly gratifying. I do adore the smell of roast donkey.

  4. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Outsource the cabinet?

    Great idea... trouble is.... Nanny requires Equine Passports!

    Yeah it's true! Nanny likes to get all things covered, doesn't "She" ??

    Horse passports - Apply now! leaflet (pdf 61kb)The Government announced on 14 February 2002, all horses and ponies (and other forms of equidae) will need to have a passport identifying the animal.

  5. Anonymous10:42 PM

    But all the decision are already being outsourced today whilst those in power await their newly armoured black Limo's and accompanying Range Rovers (So which of the cabinet will be so opposed to the so called Chelsea Tractors that they will eschew using theirs I wonder?) to toddle around the country doing nothing.

    Every week now my very local vallgae an area rag is full of article exhorting us to 'tell the police what we want them to do' and miost recently to become true citizena and 'tell the council what we want'.

    It's neve worked before so why now? I guess either they are looking to pass the blame for failure back on to the public ("We only did what you asked".)or they current crop are so short of ideas, other than outsourcing, that they need some from elsewhere.

    I can't believe the latter (they have plenty of ideas but few if any that we wish to have inflicted upon us.) so it must be the former.

  6. Anonymous10:13 PM

    'tell the council what we want'

    They won't want to hear it! (Close the town hall and give yourselves the sack.)
