Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Farting Chair II

The Farting Chair IIYou may recall the story I regaled you with a while ago about the teacher, Sue Storer, who left her job as deputy head of Bedminster Down Secondary School in Bristol because her chair made farting sounds.

Needless to say, she took her "case" to an employment tribunal and tried to claim £1M for loss of income etc etc.

Well folks, the result of the tribunal is in...she lost.

Nice to see the tribunal exercised common sense, even if the parties in this case didn't.

Had common sense been exercised by the various parties involved, I think it quite likely that she would not have left her job and brought this case. However, Nanny doesn't allow us to exercise common sense anymore!


  1. Nice to see the tribunal exercised common sense, even if the parties in this case didn't.

    Has the decision itself been published anywhere? The reason I ask is that it may be premature to assume that "common sense" prevailed. For all we know, it could have been a simple technicality of law or procedure that stood between this conniving imbecile and a generous helping of taxpayers' money. It's happened before.

  2. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I can assure all your readers that there were no technicalities or procedural issues- the case was rightly thrown out, as were all the accusations made against the school and the headteacher.

    One who was there
