Saturday, April 08, 2006

The Wirral Egg Run

The Wirral Egg RunCongratulations to the bikers of Wirral who, for the second year running (see Nanny Bans Easter Eggs, ignored Nanny's ban on their charitable egg run and went ahead and did one anyway.

2000 bikers turned up and did what they had to do.

That's the true British spirit, sticking two fingers up at authority!

Needless to say, despite Nanny's fear of disaster, no one was injured.

Here is a link to the story...Wirral Egg Run...gosh how unusual!


  1. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Presumably whatever it was that worried the local councils about the Bike run would cause similar concern for other events.

    Now we all know that people who take part in fun ruins, half marathons and marathons run the risk of not finishing due to death on the route.

    The evidence is clear and well documented.

    So perhaps support to allow them - let alone active support promoting them - should be withdrawn?

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Grant: "fun ruins"? A freudian slip if ever there was one :)

  3. Anonymous2:11 PM

    But even nanny changes her mind sometimes - albeit a year later...
