Thursday, June 01, 2006

Homeless Pensioner Needs Help

Homeless Pensioner Needs HelpIt is not normally the custom and practice of this site to bang the drum for "bleeding heart" causes, other than "knocking Nanny". However, I have two elderly parents and am naturally concerned that they continue to live their lives with dignity and independence.

I therefore take a concerned interest in the treatment by Nanny and, let us not beat about the bush, by society as a whole (that's you and me folks) of the the elderly.

Sometimes a story hits the headlines that is so heart wrenching that it overrides this site's normally satirical slant on life. Today we have read about the plight of an elderly gentleman (he has just turned 68) who has had to give up his home, because of pressure put on him by Nanny and her minions.

This old man, who has served his country through several miners', dock and public service strikes, is now forced to sleep in some sort of archway in central London.

Rumour has it that this change in circumstances has put a considerable strain on his marriage, his wife is an elderly woman of independent spirit; she still tries to look her best, despite her advancing years, and takes annual trips to the seaside in a secondhand dilapidated Jaguar.

Unfortunately, the couple may now be forced to radically change their lifestyles and live up North; eking out a living on his paltry £130K per annum salary.

If you can spare a little from your income, to help this couple live out their remaining years with dignity and independently then please make a contribution to the Old Bar Steward's Fund c/o Ken Frost Commercial Enterprise Inc (BVI Registered).

Any money received will be put to good use.

Remember, one day this could be you!

Thank you for your time.



  1. Oh Ken, such a heartwarming plea for help, it is bringing tears to my eyes. The trouble is, I've already made substantial donations to a similar fund for this pensioner, I've been paying 10%, 22% and 40% in some cases of my salary to support his meagre lifestyle, and unfortunately this has left me a little financially bereft such that I have a struggle to feed my children, keep a roof over their heads and a shirt on my own back. I'm very sorry if this sounds a very selfish attitude.

    This pensioner has also, perhaps rather unfortunately, been responsible for very large increases in my council tax over the past few years, which has meant that my children have gone even hungrier!! (Hang on a mo, I forgot, he's forgotten to pay his own, silly me).

    I do apologise that I shall have to decline your very sincere offer to assist your pensioner in this particular case.

  2. Anonymous2:50 PM


    like spiv, I had trouble containing my emotions when I read your plea to help this unfortunate old man. I too have contributed for many years to this man's salary - even losing some of my pension money to help fund his. I'm sorry to be so selfish and penny pinching when confronted by such hardship and it is with a heavy heart that I too must decline your request.

    However there may be a solution to this gentleman's situation. When he deputises for his boss, he presumably has to make weekly visits to a rather wealthy lady who lives in a magnificent residence in London SW1. Perhaps this lady might be persuaded to tip him a few coppers when he doffs his cap at their next tete a tete. If he's really lucky, she may be able to offer him employment - for example by being a waiter at important dinners that she sometimes gives.

  3. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I am shamed by the mean-spirited response of my countrymen, and though it is only the widow's mite, I have sent that nice Mr and Mrs Prescott all the money I had set aside to pay for my one-bar electric fire next winter (two hours at £233.75 a unit). Also I shall be selling my cat, Ian, for vivisection, which should raise another £5 or so. I may furthermore part with one of my kidneys, and perhaps some bone marrow.

    Let's all do the right thing by this exemplar among men, this knight in shining armour who has so selflessly dedicated himself to the betterment of society! That he has fallen on hard times is surely everyone's fault but his own.

  4. Anonymous8:43 PM


    As you point out this gentleman is now 68 which puts him at the proposed new retirement age or 3 years beyong the current age. I feel if he were to accept his bus pass gracefully and sell his cars in deference the the climate change lobby as well as his resources, he could still afford to live quite comfortably on his pension.

    Since he has carried on 'working' beyond age 65 he will have cost the country about 130,000 pounds per annum (including expenses in office) more than he would have received as a pensioner - so he is about 390,000 pouind up on the deal so far. Which number is almost certainly much more than the average pensioner, or even the very fitest and most long lived, ever receives before they peg out.

    Given that his smoking habit indicates that he will pass away 14 years before his natural departure date (according to official statistics) this would currently make him 82 years of age in real life expectancy terms.

    With due deference to all social sensibilities of readers of Nanny Knows Best, 82 years and counting is a reasonable innings by most people's expcectations.

    On a personal note I would simply observe that nothing is too good for him, let alone continuing income generating 'positions' the like of which are not available to most of his peers.

  5. Anonymous8:49 AM

    One day, this could be me, eh?

    I should be so lucky ....
