Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Nanny Bans St George

Nanny Bans St George
Following on from yesterday's article about Nanny banning a two year old from wearing an England T shirt, it seems that Nanny has gone into overdrive this summer in regard of her hatred of St George and his flag.

Throughout the land, Nanny's trolls have been working hard to eliminate the flag of St George.

Why is that?

Many reasons have been cited:
  • Nanny's dislike of the English

  • Nanny's dislike of patriotism

  • Nanny's fear of extremist Muslims, eg Anjem Choudary, a former leader of the Islamic extremist group Al-Muhajiroun, has claimed:

    "The cross does represent Christianity and for Muslims it also represents a crusader history of occupation and murder."
Anyhoo, whatever her reason, Nanny is busy banning St George:
  • Cable company NTL have ordered their van drivers and subcontractors to remove their flags in case they offend Muslims.


    "We work in many multicultural areas and in different countries within Britain so we want to maintain a professional image and a sense of impartiality."


    We live and work in Britain, therefore we are perfectly entitled to wave our own country's flag.

  • Bosses at Heathrow's Terminal 5 have banned construction workers from flying the flag, health and safety issues there!

  • Taxi drivers in Blackpool are banned from flag flying and from wearing England T shirts, lest they upset foreign visitors.

  • Taxi drivers in Cheltenham are banned from flag flying, seemingly the council believe that they will fall off and cause an accident. The police want to ban all motorists from flag flying, lest they frighten the horses (yes that really is what they said!).

  • Fireman in Barking cannot fly the flag at their station, even though the local Mosque has said it is fine with them.
Nanny is totally overeacting to this harmless practice, she should devote her time to more important issues.


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Could the real reason be that half the goverment are Scottish?

  2. Oddly I saw a car drive past with an Iranian flag flying this morning. I wonder if Nanny will ban the flying of other nations flags for the same spurious reasons. Somehow I doubt it.

  3. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I've just seen a car driving along Upper Richmond Road with an English flag on one side and a Ghananian flag on the other. (And in a splenid example of multiculturalism, yesterday I noted "Al Sayeed's Polish Delicatessen" just outside Hounslow!)

  4. Nanny is being wholly complicit in the leftist attack on our British values and traditions. Do read this article, which, although is about American values and culture, applies equally to ours here in Britain.


    My whole attitude is, if I want to fly a St George flag, I will, and bugger what Nanny thinks!!!

  5. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Ken wrote

    "Fireman in Barking cannot fly the flag at their station, even though the local Mosque has aid it is fine with them."

    Assuming your spell checker has inadvertently substituted "Barking" for "Basra" is seems to me entirely reasonable that the miltary firemen in Iraq should be wary of flying the England flag - if for no other reason than it gives a target to aim at.

    On the other hand if the spell checker has not substitute Barking for Basra then I wonder at the need for anyone to ask the opinion of a local religious organisation. Indeed one might suggest that such an organisation should perhaps be requested to demonstrate their allegiance to the land in which they reside by displaying the flag themselves.

    On the other hand the entire public display always gets so out of hand that I would welcome a blanket ban on all flag flying and national emblem presentations (any nation, any emblem) in perpetuity.

    Emblems related to architecture to be included.

    If people wish to have a full integrated multicultural society without local allegiance then all things that imply national alignment should be discouraged.

    The Football World cup is a prime example. How irrelevant can it be when most of the players play each other weekly for their clubs in Europe? National identity in football has no meaning in this century. I could suggest that International Cricket is not too far behind in that respect.

    (Are we sure there is no justification for banning football? Security and terrorism risk or something like that? Has to be something ...)

  6. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Ahh got to love the British sense of patriotism. I´m in Brasil at the moment, and right now 90% of people are walking around in "Brasil" T-shirts (approximately 40% increase brought on by the world cup), every other street is decorated in yellow and green, and flags are flying from every window. Brasilians love Brasil-after all, why would you live anywhere else?

    Oh, and it´s pretty multicultural too...having been colonised by practically everyone in Europe. The government´s corrupt, there´s no welfare state, the education is terrible, but hell, at least there´s a genuine sense of community here!
