Monday, June 12, 2006

Nanny Saves The Dragon

Nanny Saves The DragonQuite how daft Nanny makes herself look at times never ceases to amaze me. Although St George's Day was back in April, this particular Nanny St George's Day story only surfaced recently.

Angie Sayer, landlady of the New Inn in Wedmore Somerset, got into a spot of bother with Nanny's Dragon protection squad.

Her crime?

On St George's Day she held an archery competition, in which she used the Welsh flag as the target.

The Welsh flag has a dragon at the centre, and the logic being that since St George killed the dragon a spot of dragon hunting on St George's Day would be a good idea.

Mrs Sayer was forgetting one thing, Nanny's ever watchful Dragon Protection Squad were in the area. Seemingly one of Angie's dafter patrons thought that it would be "amusing" to report the matter to the police, for a "laugh".

Anyhoo, Nanny's police force decided that this competition constituted an incitement to commit racial hater and paid Angie a visit.

She was interviewed for two hours by Nanny's thought police, who concluded that they would not be taking any further action.

No matter, the damage is done; the fear of the State paying "visit" to "discuss" thought crimes has now been well and truly planted in those connected with this story, and anyone who has read about it.

I wonder if this is the sort of "community action against yobbery" that John Reid had in mind?


  1. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Not yet in sight, if he's out there at all. All we have is David "trying to be more Blairy than Blair" Cameron. (Arrggghhh, depressing myself here.)

  2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    And if I might make a comment, I'd like to say that life in Russia is, well, downright free compared to the "civilised" west. Yes, mobs roam the streets beating up homosexuals and foreigners in Peter, but the rest of the country is refreshing in its acceptance of the fact that yes, government is naughty, and no, you can't really do much about it.
