Friday, June 30, 2006

Nanny's Home Delivery

Nanny's Home DeliveryNanny is concerned about the welfare of all of her charges, and she is keen to show that even the most feeble low life is treated by her with "respect" and "love".

As such is should come as no surprise to read that a week or so ago Barry Chambers, a fugitive from the long arm of the law, was given some extra special treatment by Nanny.

Chambers, a suspected car thief, was pursued by police in car then on foot until he climbed up a drainpipe onto a roof in Gloucester City.

He spent around 20 hours up there, during this time he took it upon himself to dismantle a chimney and hurl bricks at officers and passers-by.

Residents had to be moved from nearby houses, for their own safety as the situation became increasingly dangerous.

However, have no fear, Nanny was soon on the scene. She ordered her police force to ensure that Chambers' human rights were not breached; consequently he was sent a nice box of Kentucky Fired Chicken, some fags and a can of Pepsi.

The can was rejected and he demanded a 2 litre bottle instead, Nanny duly obliged.

Gloucestershire Police said that, although he was being "a nuisance", they still had to look after his well-being and human rights.

Now of course, before you all react with anger about how this man was so well treated; do remember that Nanny regards fags, fried chicken and fizzy drinks as evil.

She was not trying to help him, but kill him. As the saying goes "killing with kindness".


  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Does Nanny realise she's killing us with "kindness" too?

    I feel that I've outgrown Nanny and it's time for her to move on. North Korea perhaps?

  2. Ken:

    Is there a link to this story anywhere? This is definitely one for the record books!

  3. Liberranter



  4. Anonymous5:52 PM

    The same thoughts had occurred to me Ken.

    I think the roof sitter should sue.

    I wonder where he learnt to climb a drainpipe? Probably some sort of youth offender activity week?

    I expect we will see a directive about drainpipe location and usage now from the H&SE.

  5. A story was on on Radio 4 yesterday about a young fellow whose moped (his pride and joy) was stolen in Bath. Three "hooded youths" (his words) were the culprits, though how three got on a moped at once I don't know. The police refused to chase them because they weren't wearing crash helmets and might have hurt themselves if they'd fallen off. This country in 2006? You couldn't bloody make it up!

  6. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Thomas Fuller said: "This country in 2006? You couldn't bloody make it up!"

    No, and unfortunately you don't have to - it's everywhere you look. I keep wondering if there's a limit to how insane things have to get before the sleepwalking population wakes up and tells Nanny to take a hike.

  7. Anonymous12:13 AM

    earthworm, on the basis of a number of chance conversations I have had recently with a broad corss section of the public I think they are about to turn and take action.

    Maybe now the world cup is out of the way (I am told) and all heroes have been turned to zeros in just one match, the public might start to look around them once again?

  8. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Personally I'd have delivered his chicken and bottle of Coke at around Mach 2 and knocked the cocky little s**t off the roof.

  9. Anonymous11:45 AM

    If we must provide food in this kind of situation, perhaps it should be mixed with a generous amount of syrup of figs. Alternatively, I understand that some European countries use water cannon to deal with football hooligans, rioters etc., Perhaps we should borrow one so that if this happens again, we can ensure that the culprit is cooled down in the manner he deserves.
