Friday, June 09, 2006

Prat of The Week

Prat of The Week
This week's prestigious Prat of The Week Award goes to none other than Nanny's Smooth Talking Bar Steward, the Deputy prime minister John Prescott.

I thought I'd award it to him this week, as it is quite clear he won't be around for much longer.

Aside from the countless reasons why this man should have this award, I cite the fact that the Old Bar Steward tried to force the Big Brother house to pay council tax.

I could support him shutting it down!

Anyhoo, a team of inspectors from the deputy PM's department (whilst it still existed) was sent to raid the Big Brother house in Hertfordshire before the show commenced this year.

Endemol UK, the producers of this pile of garbage, faced escalating £100 fines unless they let inspectors from the Valuation Office Agency raid the house.

It seems that because contestants spend 13 weeks living in the house, plus another four weeks for the celebrity version, the house could have been liable to the tax.

Endemol was eventually forced to hire specialist surveyors, to prove that the house was already covered by £65,000 in business rates.

Funny how he worries so much about the council tax of others, yet managed not to pay his own council tax though isn't it?

For good measure, Prescott has also been lambasted for his daft scheme to build a gazillion homes in the South East. The prat forgot to check the water supply situation, it seems that there will not be enough water to supply his grand erection plans.

Definitely worthy of Prat of The Week!


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Nice of you to give him the award before he pootles off into the sunset, Ken.

    (At least, we hope he'll pootle off into the sunset. Soon.)

  2. Anonymous12:49 PM

    He's not going anywhere soon, he's already said I'll go when Blair goes. This isn't I'll go when Blair says; I reckon he's got some dirt on Blair and can't be got rid of without his own consent, hence why he still keeps his salary and perks.

    Mark my words, this one will be there to the bitter end.

  3. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Blair, a 'REAL' man? Pull the other one!
