Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Nanny Bans Bollocks

Nanny Bans Bollocks
Those of you with long memories, may recall that Nanny's police force got themselves into rather a tiz last year over a certain T shirt that said "Bollocks to Blair".

Would you believe it, they are at it again?

This time a Leicestershire trader has been fined for displaying shirts bearing the same slogan.

Seemingly Norfolk police apprehended Mr Wright when he was flogging the shirts at the Royal Norfolk Show. He was told that they could "cause alarm or even distress".

Have you ever heard anything more daft?

Well yes you have, last year in fact!

Anyhoo, he was given a £80 fixed penalty notice for causing harassment, alarm and distress; which he intends to challenge.

I assume Nanny's henchmen will soon be knocking at my door over the Prescott Thongs etc.


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    So causing distress is a criminal offence now? So if I contact my local police with a list of people causing me distress I can look forward to their arrest? Hmm... Prescott, Brown, Blair - who else should I have arrested?

    But wouldn't arresting people also cause distress? So the police would then have to arrest themselves. Which would no doubt cause them distress. So then they would have to arrest the people who came up with this dumb idea in the first place..... I think thre may be a flaw in this plan!

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Yes. Good idea. Blair and all his henchmen cause me no end of "distress", and Norfolk Constabualry are certainly STUPID enough to arrest THEM that dweel at or near No. 10 on grounds of causing me so much "distress"... ooooooo, I'm positively shaking with distress. Please. Rescue me...
