Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Nanny's Donkey Inspectors

Nanny's Donkey Inspectors
My thanks to one of this site's regular visitors who advised me of the following piece of Nanny nonsense that happened in Fylde, on the eight mile stretch of beach between Blackpool and Lytham St Annes, over this summer.

It seems that Nanny's chums in Fylde borough council are "investing", I of course mean wasting, £18K of taxpayers' money on health and safety "experts" who will check the safety of donkey rides and other seaside pleasures.

Nanny has set them the onerous and "worthwhile" task of looking into the risks associated with the above activities, as well as doing a thorough health and safety check on such dangerous activities as:

- tossing a Frisbee
- practising golf swings
- collecting and sawing up driftwood

Seemingly the council have said that every aspect of beach activity would be examined and assessed.

If necessary, guidelines would be issued to allow them to be enjoyed in a safe manner.

Utter bollocks!

As ever, Nanny is wasting our money on pointless pursuits.


  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    If it stops 'em putting them fat chav kids on mi back I think it is a great idea ...

  2. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I feel sure that the residents in this area will be delighted that £18,000 of their money, raised from their council tax, is being invested so wisely, and not frittered away on hospitals, schools or similar needs!

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I do hope they remembered kite flying and sandcastle building.

  4. Anonymous4:16 PM

    How will the holiday makers know the difference between the inspectors and the real donkeys?

  5. Anonymous5:07 PM

    How will the holiday makers know the difference between the inspectors and the real donkeys?

    Easy - they are bound be wearing high-vis jackets (As no doubt everyone else will be required to in future - after all you've got to cross those unfenced tram lines to get there!)

  6. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Andy said...
    I do hope they remembered kite flying and sandcastle building.

    And don't forget the swimming: all that cold, wet stuff is a serious risk. Best restrict visitors to just looking at the sea.

    All customers attending the beach will have to drop their pants to prove they're not concealing a pair of Speedos underneath. The sea itself will be patrolled by RoSPA submarines and any rogue swimmers will be torpedoed - for their own health and safety of course.

    Seriously though, this shows just how lucrative is the Health and Safety industry - for that's what it is. Anyone can set up as an H&S consultant. No experience or qualifications needed. And what an opportunity for inadequate little people to try to stop others taking part in activies they haven't the bottle to take part in themselves.

  7. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Yes the donkey on the right hand side of the photograph looks somewhat suspicious to me. It's obvious that he has something to hide.

    Better spend the money on CCTV cameras
    and more nanny inspectors. Place them all over Fylde beach. Keep the public "safe"

  8. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Will the the donkeys have to wear hi-vis and hard hats?

  9. Anonymous3:37 PM

    "How will the holiday makers know the difference between the inspectors and the real donkeys?"

    No problem! The inspectors (probably) won't have tails. However, they will be the ones making total asses of themselves! I fully agree with what Pete said because, as far as I can see, the pathetic morons who come up with barmy ideas like this are indeed, inadequates who'se only pleasure seems to be interfering with, and spoiling, other people's enjoyment.
    They need to get a life!

  10. Who inspects the donkey's that make these regulationss?
