Saturday, September 30, 2006

Risk Free Weapons II

Risk Free Weapons IIMy thanks to Railwaymann39 for his most excellent suggestion re "Risk Free Weapons".

I have forwarded it to the Corporate Responsibility Division of BAE at

I guess we had better patent the idea?


Text of message:

"Following on from recent reports in the media about BAE's research into environmentally friendly weapons and armour, one of our regular readers has come up with a solution that is both economically and environmentally viable.

He proposes that we abandon high tech weaponry, which is expensive in terms of resources and environmental impact, and revert to using tried and trusted "old" sustainable technologies such as bows and arrows.

The wood for the bows/arrows can be harvested from sustainable forests, and the tips for the arrows can be made from recycled materials.

We at Nanny Knows Best are very excited by this idea, and know that you will be as well.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any further details.

Best regards

Nanny Knows Best"


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    UK's hand to hand fighting policy, at least in city centres, has already reverted to even older technology in the form of the knife which seems to be almost the weapon of choice currently although there are some Luddites, notably in Nottingham, who eschew the weapons used by local heroes of history (well, maybe they were local, unless they were Welsh) and prefer guns and bullets.

    I do wonder if H&SE will step in and demand that all knives used in murder or attempted murder event must we used only when properly and completely disinfected prior to use in order to avoid any adverse secondary health consequences from being stabbed. Also after use to ensure no diseases from the deceased can be passed on to others.

    Presumably the H&SE inspectors will be on hand to issue a fixed penalty notice and a slapped wrist to anyone found to be carrying or indeed to have used an undisinfected knife when stabbing some anonymous menmber of the public.

  2. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Might I add that other eco-friendly weapons are also available for our armed forces to use. Pea shooters and catapults as used by Dennis the Menace would be suitable as well as larger scale catapults in the form of trebuchets. Suitable ammunition for the trebuchets would of course include the cow as seen in the film "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".

    Grant's concern about knives not being properly disinfected can't be solved that easily - the only way that I can think of would be to ban knives altogether and insist on muggers (and our troops) using baseball bats or stone clubs when carrying out transactions with their customers.

  3. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I do hope the arrows will be rubber tipped - we don't want to give the H&SE a fit now do we?
    Also how about reintroducing the humble spud gun. It will give work to the armed forces in peeling the spuds so the skins don't foul the weapon.
    Then again, I bet a few squaddies will think that a spud gun is better than the SA80!!!
